Electronic payment system by presence

17.11.2020Published 1538 days ago
There are multiple mechanisms to make secure electronic payments from different devices. Usually, these systems require the voluntary action of the user to carry out the transaction and interaction with a collector.

A new non-invasive method for the diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer

13.11.2020Published 1542 days ago
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide. Current methods of detecting CRC can be invasive, such as colonoscopies, or non-invasive, such as the faecal occult blood test (FOBT). Although these screening tests have helped to reduce mortality, their performance is not optimal. The FOBT has a substantial number of false negatives and as a consequence a significant number of missed diagnoses of CRC.

Spanish high precision machining and components assembly company seeks subcontracting agreements

11.11.2020Published 1544 days ago
The Spanish company was born in 1960 as a high precision machining and components assembly partner. The enterprise grew up and consolidated throughout the years as a TIER 1 supplier for some of the most renowned OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) for sectors such as automotive, industrial vehicle, agriculture and construction machinery, railway and elevator industry. Additionally, the company expertise is suitable for any other sector that requires high precision machining parts and component assembly.

Spanish SME offers it expertise and know-how in forest management and mycological resources for bio-based solutions with agro-food and industrial applications under research cooperation agreements.

10.11.2020Published 1545 days ago
The Spanish technological company focused on the sustainable management of mycological resources, promotes this non wood forest product to enhance forest biodiversity and a profitable and sustainable use of natural resources. The company creates and manages smart mycological parks, performs carbon footprint calculations and runs capacity building and training activities to support rural development. The company technical team masters sylvicultural practices to promote fungal diversity and enhance fungi species productions.

Methodology for mapping indoor air quality (IAQ) and ventilation efficiency in European dwellings (habits, materials and urban environment) is offered

10.11.2020Published 1545 days ago
The Spanish research group has broad experience in many different aspect of air quality and ventilation: • evaluating air quality and ventilation efficiency inside occupied spaces, • analysing the impact of outdoor air with is supplied on the air change in indoor spaces, • qualifying the impact of air infiltration and leakages in the natural ventilation process, • studying new design proposals, systems, and equipment able to improve the buildings’ habitability conditions. The laboratory has a test chamber for experimental tests with tracer gases used for the validation of numerical studies

High resolution patterning in organic semiconductors

06.11.2020Published 1549 days ago
A Spanish research institution has developed a new method patterning of material characteristics and concomitant final properties, including molecular conformation, orientation, crystallinity and composition. A key part of fabrication of organic semiconductor active layers involve spatial patterning of material characteristics to enable device-specific functionalities. State-of-the-art methods include photolithography, laser induced forward transfer (LIFT), inkjet, lithography, etc.

Photocatalytic reactor for air treatment

03.11.2020Published 1552 days ago
Heterogeneous photocatalysis allows both decontamination as a disinfectant of currents gaseous, indoor and effluent environments and is based on irradiating the surface of a semiconductor to be generate electron-hole pairs that will oxidation-reduction reactions with pollutants adsorbed on its surface. Often, especially for the air treatment, are required supported catalysts. The substrate must combine surface and optical properties with chemical and physical resistance, and determines the design of the photocatalytic reactors.

Spanish wastewater treatment company offers its expertise and knowledge for Horizon Europe and other collaborative projects related to environment, circular economy and energy

03.11.2020Published 1552 days ago
Wastewater treatments and water valorization are connected to most of the goals of the European Green Deal, such as sustainable industry, biodiversity and eliminating pollution, and validating the new technologies developed to improve the current systems is relevant for them to be transferred into the market; this should be accomplished by entities with proper expertise and facilities. A Spanish industry, created as a service company in 1995, manages sewage from a population higher than 9,500,000 inhabitants, with a volume of treated water 817,000,000 m3/year.

Spanish manufacturer of organic juice and jam is looking for distributors

02.11.2020Published 1553 days ago
Blueberries are well known due to their countless properties. Regarding nutrition, they contain manganese, vitamins A, C, E and K, no fats and low protein. Additionally, several studies have shown they help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as different heart diseases.

A Spanish company offers smart mobility solution to optimize daily vehicles occupancy

28.10.2020Published 1558 days ago
The combined influence of population growth, demographic change, and changing urban form leads to increasing demand for travel in city centers, suburbs, and between both of them. Demand for improved intercity mobility is also growing, to create a faster and more direct connection between settlements.
