Development and mass-production of diagnostic solutions based on rapid test – Lateral Flow Immunoassays

10.09.2021Published 1239 days ago
The Basque SME develops, manufactures and commercializes rapid, portable and user-friendly analytical devices applied to the food industry and to the health sector. This technology is based on enzymatic and immunoassay based biosensing platforms developed combining know-how in electronics, electrochemistry and biotechnology.

Spanish startup developed an innovative solution to give retired EV batteries a second-life

10.09.2021Published 1239 days ago
After an average of 5 years of service in electric vehicles (EVs), where batteries are subject to extreme operating temperatures, hundreds of partial cycles a year and changing discharge rates, lithium-ion batteries are normally retired due to faded capacity and power that fails to meet EVs range requirement. Yet these batteries can live a second life 3-4 times longer, even when they no longer meet EV performance standards, which typically include maintaining 80 percent of their total usable capacity and achieving a resting self-discharge rate of only about 5 percent over a 24-hour period.

Spanish petrochemical company is looking for distributors of its lubricants for the automotive and other industrial sectors

08.09.2021Published 1241 days ago
Lubricants keep being essential product for many industries and specially the automotive sector and currently the need of new lubricants adapted to new vehicles, environmental requirements, engine alloys, etc. is growing up. In this context, the Spanish petrochemical company has been committed for the las 40 years to the manufacturing and development of: -Lubricants for motor oils: passenger car oils, diesel engine oils, two cycle oils, transmission fluids, automatic transmission fluids, gear oils, hydraulic oils, etc. -Pharmaceutical white oils and vaseline.

Spanish SME specialized in IoT is looking for distributors of its innovative sensor for real-time and long-term radon gas measurement

25.08.2021Published 1255 days ago
Radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and the second for smokers (between 3-14% depending on the level of exposure). The European Commission and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that 84.000 deaths yearly are caused by residential radon worldwide. The characteristic of the gas makes measurements without the appropriate instruments completely impossible, presenting a higher danger to those exposed to the gas as it cannot be detected by the human being alone. It is not uncommon to find high levels in both residential and public buildings.

HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-04: Spanish company is looking for partners to develop food, nutritional and health formulations with gluosinolates enriched crop by-products.

18.08.2021Published 1262 days ago
Brassica crops (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, mustard, rapeseed, etc.) are sources of glucosinolates and their derivatives, the isothiocyanates. These plant-derived bioactive compounds are well-known for their antioxidant, antimicrobial, bactericide, and fungicide activity as well as by their possible protective effect towards cancer and other diseases. Moreover, glucosinolates has been employed as ingredients for cosmetic formulations treating pigmentation abnormalities and as skin whitening agents.

Spanish company looking for health institutions interested in acquiring a license to use a software developed for the integral management and decision-making support of tumour boards in hospitals.

03.08.2021Published 1277 days ago
There is a growing increase on the complexity of cancer treatment, with the use of biomarkers, image studies and information stored in different services of the hospital. It is very important the role of multidisciplinary medical teams capable of taking therapeutic decisions stemming from the evaluation of different medical information sources. Current workload in the hospitals does not allow to hold the necessary number of tumour board meetings. The preparation of such meetings requires, in average, between 15 and 20 hours of work for each meeting.

Prefabricated fire-resistant cement lightened with recycled polymeric residues

30.07.2021Published 1281 days ago
The Spanish research group is an interdisciplinary group in the areas of knowledge of architecture, structures and materials. This research group belongs to a well established medium-sized Spanish university, housing many other research groups. The university has been very active in several European research and innovation programmes (H2020 and previous FPs, LIFE, Justice, ERASMUS+, Interreg, COST, LLP, IEE, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, D. G.

New foldable, self-inflating, light and highly portable device for water rescue and lifesaving

29.07.2021Published 1282 days ago
The Spanish public entity is an organism which provides support to Catalan municipalities in the development of their powers in public health. The entity is also involved in several innovation projects for the development of new solutions within the health sector. Although rescue operations only constitute 1.9% of the actions required of lifesavers, it is crucial for them to have a flotation device to achieve a favourable outcome in rescues.

Application for traffic analysis through geoposition routes

29.07.2021Published 1282 days ago
The Spanish research group is an interdisciplinary group in the areas of knowledge of telecommunications, computing and engineering. This Spanish research belongs to a medium-sized Spanish university founded in 1994, housing others 76 research groups more. There are various commercial software solutions dedicated to traffic analysis. These companies perform the analysis using geospatial data and traffic cameras mainly.

New polymeric materials with exceptional mechanical and thermal properties

28.07.2021Published 1283 days ago
The Spanish research group is an interdisciplinary group in the areas of knowledge of chemistry and materials. This Spanish research belongs to a medium-sized Spanish university founded in 1994, housing others 76 research groups more. The university has been very active in several European research and innovation programmes (H2020 and previous FPs, LIFE, Justice, ERASMUS+, Interreg, COST, LLP, IEE, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, D. G.
