German chemical company seeking technology for petroleum-based composition profiling

The large Germany-based company from the chemicals sector is seeking analytical innovation (ppm levels) in a fluid matrix of both petroleum-based and aqueous based components. Sensors sought must operate at harsh conditions and characterize the multiphase composition and residual chemical presence. Sought cooperation might be a joint venture, license or research cooperation agreement.
The Germany-based large international company is active in researching, manufacturing and selling a large amount of chemicals and solutions. For composition profiling of petroleum-based matrices in harsh environments they are currently looking for solutions. The petroleum-based matrix composition is a very complex mixture of compounds, consisting of a large number of individual chemical components with a wide range of boiling temperatures. When present in oil wells and pipelines, it formed a high-pressure multiphase mixture of crude oil, water and dissolved gasses. Under these harsh conditions where pressures can be several thousand psi, and temperatures raising up to 150°C, lighter hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane and butane are occur as gases while water can be very saline with plenty of hardness. There are numerous sensors available in the market of various analytical techniques but not many can evaluate and detect residual chemicals in the petroleum-based composition remotely at extreme operating conditions. Furthermore, there is also a technology gap between qualitative and quantitative analysis for petroleum-based composition and residual chemicals. The company is seeking remote chemical sensor technologies that can characterize the profile of petroleum-based composition and residual chemicals in pipelines. This involves unconventional single sensing options as well as matrix sensing or other solutions. The company is open to cooperations worldwide. Depending on the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) commercial agreement with technical assistance (for readily available products), licensing (if the client is to produce/organize the solution), joint venture (if joint scale-up or production seem advantageous) or research cooperations (should further project develeopment be necessary) are potential forms of cooperation. However, the sought technologies should be at least TRL 5 (validation in relevant environment) and provide a way to profile the chemical composition in petroleum, along with demonstrate laboratory or pilot scale data. No purely academic research cooperation is sought.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is open to partners worldwide and partnership in the framework of a joint venture, license or research cooperation agreement especially with start-ups and university spin-offs. Where some development is required for the specific application considered here, the technology could be developed jointly or there could be some other commercial agreement for development with technical assistance.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought: 
A requested technology should be at least TRL 5 (validation in relevant environment) and provide a way to profile the chemical composition in petroleum, along with demonstrate laboratory or pilot scale data.
Stage of Development: 
Prototype available for demonstration
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
Not interest in purely academic approach in an early stage.
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how,Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted,Patents granted,Granted patent or patent application essential
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Should joint developments be required, arising IP will jointly be explored.
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