A German university offers processes for corporate research in the field of innovative man-made fibres. They cover the whole process chain from polymers to prototypes or products from lab to pilot scale. Outstanding is the pilot high temperature bicomponent spin line which also allows spinning of bicomponent fibres from high temperature polymers. Partners are sought from industry and university for commercial agreement with technical assistance, technical and research co-operation agreements.
Man-made fibres made of different polymers, especially from high temperature polymers, can be used for high tech materials like textiles for clothing and for high performance applications as well as for reinforced materials. Especially the development of high performance fibres requires special equipment and know-how.
The department “man-made fibres” of a German university possesses this equipment and know-how to develop functional fibres, reinforcing fibres and new technologies regarding fibre formation, analytics and processing. The scientists and engineers investigate new compounds from all kinds of polymers, blends and additives to address the customers' needs. The institute offers the whole research value chain for the development of new textiles. That conducts
- material testing (e.g. polymer analytics (thermal, chemical), small angle x-ray diffraction (SAXD) analysis,
- preparation of materials before spinning: drying, compounding, filling and blending
- feasibility studies of spinability, process development (e.g. efficiency analysis), investigation of parameters for compounding and fibre production according to desired fibre properties
- simulation (including computational fluid dynamics), process monitoring (high speed video, particle image velocimetry (PIV))
- melt spinning (monofilament, multifilament, bicomponent, shaped fibres) of convenient (e.g. PP, PE, PA, PAN) and high temperature polymers (e.g. PEEK, PES) as well as glass and basalt ceramic fibre spinning, fibre stabilization and carbonization
-upscaling of fibre spinning processes from lab scale to pilot scale
Selected examples of innovative, outstanding research are: development of fibres from biopolymers, spinning of fibres from CO2, development of aerogel fibres from cellulose (e.g. aerospace application), development of fibres with electrically conductive and/or sensory properties (e.g. health and condition monitoring). Partners from research and industry are sought for commercial agreement with technical assistance as well as for technical and research co-operation agreements and contribution to national and european research projects.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Industry (contract research) and research consortia from industry and research institutes (contribution to national and European research projects)
Area of activity of partner: Textile producer, Textile mechanical engineer, composite producer, smart industry, additive producer
Tasks to be performed: contract research along the whole man-made fibre process chain, fibre up scaling into industrial scale
The instute is able and experienced to become a coordinator of EU projects. The institute is open for agreements related to comercial agreements with technical assitstance, research cooperation and technical cooperation agreements.
Stage of Development:
Under development/lab tested
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
The German university is also able to develop prototypes and products from all stages from concept stage over lab and field tested and evaluated as well as available for demonstration.
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: