The Spanish company is a multitools platform which provides information on products and services linked to disabilities and/or functional diversity. The company´s objective is to expand the platform´s services and looking for commercial agency agreements to represent or offer its products or services within Europe.
Since 2012 the Spanish company from Mallorca provides access to the medical equipment multitools platform. The platform is an easy way for retailers to purchase products, connecting demand with suppliers and also manufacturers using this platform as an online distributor and making it more accessible to physicians and patients as an accessible tool and easy way to purchase.
The main services offered are orthopedic solutions, personal care and accesibilty reforms.
For being part of the platform, every manufacturer has a page under the webpage of the company in order to provide direct requests. The customers can be final/associations or retail shops interested in selling their products.
The commercial agents will make a set commision on each client that they obtain, there is a special entry on the platform
Experience in the industry and established contacts with medical wholesalers, specialist medical shops, hospitals and clinics as well as elderly care homes will be required in order to agree upon a commercial agency agreement.
The company´s objective is to expand the services reducing costs, this is the reason it is looking for commercial agency agreements in order to business expand, represent or offer its products or services within Europe.
The platform is designed in a way that when there is a purchase through one of the commerial agents it is indicated, this way the commercial agent automatically obtains a fix commission on each purchase.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for commercial agency agreements from the industry sector (mainly trading and service companies). Experience in the industry and established contacts with medical wholesalers, specialist medical shops, hospitals and clinics as well as elderly care homes and business related. Experience in the industry and established contacts with medical wholesalers, specialist medical shops, hospitals and clinics as well as elderly care homes, will be required from potential agents with the objective to expand their services on the platform throughout Europe.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The company is looking for commercial agency agreements within the field of physical disabilities and/or functional diversity in order to expand the platform and its products on new markets abroad, preferably experience and contacts related to orthopedists, para-pharmaceutics stores and sports associations.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: