German company specialized in modern soil stabilization is offering its own catalyst concentrate and technology

The German company is specialized in soil stabilization. The company works with an environmentally friendly catalyst. It is used for innovative and sustainable soil stabilization in any application for exemple construction of roads and railways. The technology saves resources because CO2 emissions as well civil engineering construction material are considerably reduced. The company offers its product worldwide to interested partners for subcontracting.
The German based company is the manufacturer of an innovative substance, which works as a catalyst on cohesive soils. It is a liquid, water-soluble ion exchanger. Soil stabilisation after the catalyst is based on an electro-physical-process. The adhesive water film will be broken and the soil material will be prepared for the ion exchange. Every material got a mutual offload behavior. The catalyst eliminated this by changing the electrical charge, so the molecules can get closer together. The gap is becoming narrower and narrower. With the very important and necessary compaction of the material, the soil will be agglomerated irreversibly and will build a stable and viable under floor. There is no more pore-water existing in the soil colloids. Benefits: - Time savings up to 50 % during construction. - Construction materials-savings of up to 80% on conventional materials - Up to 80% less transport capacity required (for transport materials) - Financial savings of up to 70 % - the catalyst eliminates the swelling- and shrink behavior of cohesive soils - No need for subsequent repair work - Minimal machine use - Minimal labour - Roads built using the catalyst have more than twice the load bearing capacity of that required for conventional roads - Saving of up to 50 % on cover strength for sub-soils treated - Roads or squares can hardly be destroyed by water or frost - The catalyst is environmentally friendly – it does not cause damage to the ground water. Partners are sought for further applications in modern, sustainable, stable, environment friendly and economic soil stabilization. Potential business partners should be civil engineers, with own R&D facilities or conntected to an R&D institute, who are interested in the application of the company's catalyst. The German manufacturer is offering the product for subcontracting.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Partners are sought for further applications with the company's catalyst in modern, sustainable, stable, environment friendly and economic soil stabilization. The partner SME should either have their own R&D facility or be connected to an institution with R&D facilities, either public or private. The German SME is searching for a company who is interested in buying and applying the offered catalyst product for soil stabilization with cohesive soils in using the provided knowledge about the application of the technology as well as the necessary own equipment.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought: 
The partner should either have their own R&D facility or be connected to an institution, either public or private, in order to conduct soil analyses in respect to specific soil stabilization or roadway construction projects for the ultimate aim to treat the cohesive soil for stabilization. The partner should be open to an innovative and effective way of modern soil stabilization.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 