The industrial solutions department of a Spanish technology center is offering a management system focused on obtaining and synthesizing information and knowledge from large data sets. The tool helps companies to examine information and knowledge to make informed decision.
Partnership sought is a technical cooperation agreement (open to any public authority, banks, energy or manufacturing companies, or in any sector) and research cooperation agreement in the field of big data analysis.
A Spanish technology center, founded in 1994, offers transversal, integrated and innovative solutions to companies to improve their processes, developments, systems and products. It operates in five economic sectors: i) industry, ii) energy and environment, iii) construction and infrastructure, iv) agro-food, and v) health and quality of life.
Nowadays, many companies and other kind of private and public organizations are facing the problems experienced by working with big data. These problems are produced by the big amount of information that these organizations have to deal with (including complexity and speed of the information). This information is often very difficult to curate and to analyze and produce the knowledge desire. Mainly, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), but also other organizations, have not the expertise, or the budget to invest on staff or capacity to dedicate working hours to process this information.
Spanish technology center has broad experience in optimizing the information obtained from big data sets ready to produce knowledge such as segmentation of clients, hidden patterns, demand prediction or anomalies detection.
The technology center offers its product and know-how to companies and other organizations interested in solving any of these situations:
- Reducing time to analyse information.
- Optimizing their activities and performance.
- Speeding up decision activities to produce market decisions.
- Investing on their own activities and trademark image.
Partners sought:
- For technical cooperation agreement: companies on energy or manufacturing sector (mainly SMEs, but open to any other one) and also banks or public administrations.
- For research cooperation agreement: entities (companies, universities or research and technology centers) interested in developing a project in European funding programs in the field of big data analysis.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Research Cooperation Agreement:
- Type of entity: companies, universities or research and technology centers.
- Interested in developing an international research and development project in the field of big data analysis, including LEIT-ICT programme (leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - information and communication technologies programme) or any European funding program call involved with this technology.
Technical cooperation agreement:
- It is sought any company (SMEs mainly) in any sector (energy or manufacturing mainly) as well as public authorities or banks.
- The role of the above-mentioned organizations depends on their needs. Normally it would be included under the provider/client standardized relationship.
Stage of Development:
Available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: