Spanish company related to IT services and outsourcing has developed an integrated electronic signature management system, which provides an efficient documentation management process. This platform allows access to different departments and employees to validate documents, either in person or remotely, according to the needs of the company. The company is looking for ICT integrators willing to cooperate under license agreement.
Currently, daily activities of companies need the interchange of documents between departments and the requirement of validation by manager or employees. Consequently, these sign requirements implies delays and increase costs in all the processes.
In this context, there is a general need of having a biometric sign tool and a document management system which meet the demanding regulations for the custody of electronic files and the standards for electronic identification of transactions in the European single market.
A Spanish company, with more than 20 years of experience, working on IT services, cybersecurity, data analytics, industry 4.0 and outsourcing, has developed a smart signature platform for internal documentation management. This platform allows access to different departments and employees to validate documents, speeding up processes and reducing time, resources and maintenance costs.
This digital signature system has all the most advanced security guarantees for the storage of encrypted documents. This encryption is done using independent keys through https-SSL protocols. These security standards are guaranteed by the European Electronic Identity Recognition System (EIDAS). Additionally, this tool is backed by ISO 27001 quality certificate related to Information Security.
There are several types of signature formats:
•Simple and Simple Biometrics: this functionality allows the execution of a document signature remotely within your company. The difference between Simple and Simple Biometrics is that allows its use both remotely and in person, with the insertion of a written signature.
•Remote: validity supported by the sending of an OTP key (One Time Password) via SMS, aimed at the recipient responsible for the signature. The recipient proceed to sign the document by accessing to the platform with the OTP key received.
•Advanced Biometrics: the sign of documents is carried out in person using approved devices. The documents sent for signature are stamped with biometric handwritten signature. The system gives qualified legal validity to the process by measuring the pressure, inclination and speed of the signature.
•Centralized signature: this functionality allows the validation of multiple documents simultaneously under the execution of a single certificate, so that the documents can be send to multiple recipient later on.
All types of signature have full legal validity depending on the method of insertion in the document and the legal value required according to its needs and characteristics. This powerful tool is 100% adaptable to the needs of any company thanks to different formats and compatibility with possible custom developments.
The company is looking for new international opportunities and increase its collaborations. The aim of the company is to reach license agreements with ICT integrators willing to commercialize this technology on a specific market.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
This Spanish company has a wide experience in international agreements. Currently, they are looking for international ICT integrators, willing to cooperate under license agreement. The role of the partner sought is to reach potential clients from any sector in need of a smart signature platform for their documentation management processes.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: