A Spanish SME produces UHPC structures to replace traditional solutions made with steel, wood or ordinary concrete. The elements are (un)reinforced or prestressed and optimized to meet specific needs. They produce shells, slabs, especial elements, prototypes or beams of up to 35-m with high quality control. They seek partners from civil engineering, aquaculture, industry and energy sectors for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a manufacturing agreement.
The company is a manufacturer of precast ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) products for the European market. The SME produces (un)reinforced and prestressed UHPC elements for the sectors of civil engineering, building, industrial, architecture, aquaculture or energy. The company has a highly controlled UHPC which allows to reduce up to 70% the weight of the structures compared to ordinary concrete. The material fulfills the mechanical and durability requirements established in the UHPC French Norm NF P18-470 and NF P18-710.
The elements are designed specifically for the client needs, obtaining for certain applications lower transportation and handling costs, longer lifespan, higher slenderness, higher impact strength and minimum maintenance costs. For certain applications (marine environments, frost areas, applications under fatigue or impact, expensive transport…) the precast UHPC element is the best option compared to steel, ordinary concrete or wood. Some of the structures that the company produces are bridges, footbridges, floating structures for shellfish farming, stairs, panels for precast housing or retaining walls.
The company can provide the complementary services that the client may need for its structure: Production and testing of small-scale prototypes for experimental verification, determination of fiber orientation in full-scale elements, transport, installation of the structure and remote monitoring under service conditions. The company also can implement a comparative environmental life cycle analysis (E-LCA) and the life cycle cost analysis (LCC) between the proposed and the traditional solution.
The company has a market-oriented innovation policy and at this moment is participating in two different H2020 projects (RIA-NMBP and Blue Economy-EMFF) for the development of new calculation models for strain-hardening materials and the development of the blue economy with resilient concretes.
The company is interested in being contacted by potential partners for a manufacturing agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance in cases where a UHPC element or structure may imply a significant improvement compared to traditional solutions.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company searches, among others, for companies from the sector of precast concrete industry, modular housing, construction sector, civil engineering, industrial sector, security sector, offshore and blue-growth sector, mining sector and energy sector to implement or manufacture UHPC structures or elements that provide more value than the current solution (steel, ordinary concrete, wood, polyethylene…), boosting the sector competitiveness.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Trade Marks
External code: