A Scottish (UK) based publicly funded organisation working with companies across the built environment sector is seeking technology based solutions to help maintain Safe Operating Procedures on construction sites, including means to work at a safe distance. Ideally these solutions will also incorporate other features to assist with the management of safe operations. The organisation seeks research or technical cooperation agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the Scottish construction industry, with all sites except those considered essential currently closed.
As the construction sector gets ready to recommission and recover within a COVID environment, the industry faces new challenges in getting its workforce and sites back into operation safely, securely and informed whilst ensuring improved productivity and performance. New challenges exist, for example, in operating and building safely on site whilst maintaining a social distance, and carrying out inspections and compliance remotely.
Many solutions to current challenges brought on by the COVID-19 crisis will be digitally based with technology and the management of information and personnel becoming ever more important.
This UK based publicly funded organisation is working on behalf of the Scottish construction industry and Scottish Government to facilitate access to new technology-based solutions for the sector, sourcing development and demonstration partners, trial sites and access to funding.
The organisation therefore seeks technology based solutions to help maintain Safe Operating Procedures on construction sites, including social distancing. Ideally these solutions will also incorporate other features to assist with the management of safe operations e.g. site access scanning for operatives and deliveries, inductions, RAMs (Risk Assessment Methods), daily safe starts, contact tracing etc. With this in mind, the organisation seeks research or technical cooperation agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The organisation seek to source product, service and technology solutions suitable for further development, demonstration or delivery within the built environment. Through its core activities of facilitating engagement between industry, academia and the public sector, it can enter into technical or research cooperation agreements or provide access to suitable partners with suitable technical assistance.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
Through work already carried out it has been identified that maintaining social distance on construction sites is of key importance to the industry and will be vital to help work resume safely. The organisation seeks solutions which can alert the workforce if they are within a 2 metre distance of others. Solutions which assist further in terms of health and safety, productivity and efficiency will also be welcomed.
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