Innovative water dispenser that actively stimulates drinking

A German inventor developed an innovative indoor water dispenser that actively stimulates drinking based on a new person detection and control device that triggers the filling process. A water source offers people a glass of water at the right moment to help meet daily water needs. The inventor offers license agreements.
Regular and sufficient water consumption is important for health and vitality. In everyday life, many people fail to reach this. Reasons can be a lack of self-discipline, stress, forgetfulness or a lack of thirst. The German inventor has ddeveloped an intelligent water dispenser that uses a motion sensor to respond to a person´s daily water needs. The devices detect the entry and/or the presence of a person in a defined area. If a person is registered, the control device initiates the automatic filling of the drinking vessel. For the technical design of the detection function, (motion) sensors or electronic communication devices are possible. A timer can ensure appropriate filling pauses. The procedure can also be used to modify existing devices. Thus the basic idea of the automatic filling of a drinking vessel by means of a detection device could also be used for other areas of application. For example, a modern fully automatic coffee maker could record the entry or presence of a person in the detection area and brew and dispense a person-related coffee. The extensive patent application allows for the use of sensors or electronic communication technology as detection devices. Instead of a storage container, a water connection is also conceivable or a device for inserting commercially available bottles. The inventor is looking for companies involved in the manufacture of equipment for filling a drinking vessel. This includes both water dispenser suppliers and manufacturers of fully automatic coffee or tea machines. Furthermore, the idea in the sense of an active water dispenser could be interesting for manufacturers in the health and/or senior citizens' sector. The inventor offers license agreements to manufacturers who are interested in integrating this technology in their portfolio or into their own products.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Companies involved in the manufacture of equipment for filling a drinking vessel and that are interessed to produce the dispenser themselves are sought to license the technology or acquire the patent. This includes both water dispenser suppliers and manufacturers of fully automatic coffee or tea machines. The idevelopment offers new impulses for innovative devices in connection with broad property rights. Furthermore, the idea of an active water dispenser could be interesting for manufacturers in the health and/or senior citizens' sector.
Stage of Development: 
Under development/lab tested
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
At this stage no prototype has yet been manufactured. The inventor does not wish to go into production alone and wishes to sell his international patented idea to manufacturers.
IPR Status: 
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
A comprehensive German patent application and an international subsequent application have been filed. The German search result is available and promises best prospects for a patent in other countries. The German office examiner is of the opinion that all requirements for a patent are met. The offer comprises the complete package of the innovation including the brand name protected in Germany.
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