A UK based SME develops multiple solutions in the field of software engineering, data analysis, interfacing and information management to create high quality, cost effective solutions for healthcare. Using artificial intelligence and deep learning, their flexible AI platform is able to provide bespoke solutions to the needs of the healthcare sector. The company is seeking cooperation by licensing and commercial agreement with technical assistance.
The company understands the challenges facing a modern health service. For this reason, it has put together the skills and experience in software engineering, data analysis, interfacing and information management to create high quality, cost effective solutions for healthcare, working in partnership with clinical professionals, healthcare organisations and healthcare suppliers to provide solutions to the NHS since 1999.
Head-quartered in the UK and commercially and technically independent, the company aims to consistently exceed their customers’ expectations. Their systems are supported remotely using the HSCN network (Health and Social Care Network) and other remote access solutions. They have developed various solutions including but not limited to:
- A cellular pathology reporting software designed in partnership with consultant pathologists and was the first to be recognised by the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath). This software provides compliance with NHS Cancer Standards for Pathology, Cancer Reform Strategy targets around histology data, and RCPath Pathologists KPI’s around resection reporting. It is an easy-to-use rapid real time search and audit reversing the (90%/10%) balance of workload to gathering data versus analysing it for clinical audit.
- An integrated haematological malignancy reporting system developed by providing virtual integration of geographically distributed laboratories and locations. It provides virtual integration of networked laboratories – supports multiple sites with their own integration, access and role permissions and the ability to refer work between sites. This is haematological malignancy integrated reporting – flexible reporting combining tests from multiple sources to produce a single comprehensive report. It is a sample tracking with turnaround monitoring using flexible worklists and traffic light indicators.
- A cancer information system achieves the objective of continuous and real time recording of patient level activity to support accurate and complete data collection, reporting and submission requirements for all aspects of cancer information. This system helps with patients management, data capture and management systems, data analysis pipelines, data integration structures and visualisation tools.
The company seeks to collaborate with healthcare institutions in building solutions using its technology and the applications of the partner. The envisaged collaboration will involve the integration and development of the technology in their systems and/or platforms under licensing and commercial agreement with technical assistance. By licensing, the company would allow the use and modification of the technology by the partner. The commercial agreement sought would imply the bespoke integration of their solutions into the partners systems, providing at the same time, any technical assistance needed during and after the project.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company seeks international healthcare providers and public institutions to collaborate in the development and integration of its solutions. The envisaged collaboration will involve the integration and development of the technology in their systems and/or platforms under licensing and commercial agreement with technical assistance.
The licensing agreement sought will allow the partner to apply the company's technology in their own systems.
The commercial agreement sought will provide the partners tailor-made solutions to their needs, with integration of the technology and practical support during and after the development of the project.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
The development of their healthcare technology/products/applications started in 1999 (when they entered the healthcare market) and was completed/accredited by the Royal College of Pathologists in 2005. Since then it evolved over the years into highly beneficial and cost effective systems that are currently in operation at many NHS Trusts, University Hospitals, Cancer Registries, Special Laboratories, etc.
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Trade Marks
External code: