Specialists in power semiconductor device design and optimisation, including wide band gap devices

TechnologyVeľká BritániaTOUK20200903001
A UK fabless semiconductor company specialises in developing state of the art high voltage power devices (100V-10kV) including trench and superjunction IGBTs and MOSFETs in Si, SiC, GaN and diamond. They offer high-level technical consultancy and components for designing and optimising various power devices under technical cooperation or commercial agreements with technical assistance in the fields of power conversion, medical devices, electric vehicles (EV) etc.
An East of England fabless semiconductor company offers wide ranging expert consultancy services to developers of power electronics systems and semiconductor devices worldwide. High voltage power devices are used in many fields such as electric vehicles, medical devices, LED drivers, AC-DC converters, traction, HVDC (high-voltage, direct current) etc. These devices are at the heart of electric power conversion and are becoming increasingly important for high efficiency power conversion, extended range of EVs, miniaturised medical devices, etc. The company offers expert consultancy services to product developers to help them choose or develop optimum power devices for their target application, development of new concepts or transfer into mass production, qualification, yield and reliability enhancement and IP generation. Technologies mastered include 20V to >6500V solutions in Si, SOI, SiC, GaN, diamond. The device expertise encompasses trench and superjunction MOSFETs (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors) and IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar transistors), diodes, BJTs (bipolar junction transistors). In addition, the company also has their own proprietary lateral high voltage technology with world’s smallest lateral power IGBT. The technology allows easy integration with CMOS circuits, sensors, start-up devices, ideal for energy-efficient compact power supplies and medical devices. The cooperation with developers and manufacturers of above-mentioned devices may be technical or commercial with technical assistance. The former will apply to joint development, the latter is more fit for cases where the UK company provides semiconductor devices along with technical support and know-how for further integration into partners’ products.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Type of partner sought: industry Specific activity of partner: developers and manufacturers of high voltage semiconductor switches, controllers, sensors, drivers but also users of these in EV, medical and other devices. Role of partner sought: to send a non-confidential description of a current task or any issues. The UK company can then propose (mixes of) ready solutions and any further technical development needed, and/or the respective tasks at the partners’ sites.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted,Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Dozens of patents granted and pending in multiple countries.
External code: 