Spanish SME focused on applying mycological resources to agro-food and environmental sectors looks for consortia to participate within Green Deal (LC-GD-6, 7, 8) or other relevant European programmes. Its expertise allows them to identify, cultivate and produce fungi species to develop bio-based solutions, carbon footprint calculation and soil biodiversity monitoring. The company has a wide experience in European projects. Research cooperation agreements are sought.
The Spanish technological company focused on the sustainable management of mycological resources, promotes this non wood forest product to enhance forest biodiversity and a profitable and sustainable use of natural resources. The company creates and manages smart mycological parks, performs carbon footprint calculations and runs capacity building and training activities to support rural development.
The company technical team masters sylvicultural practices to promote fungal diversity and enhance fungi species productions. The SME develops DNA studies to monitor soil biodiversity (mainly fungi and bacteria) in different productive forests and degraded Mediterranean ecosystems. The technical team uses fungi to degrade stumps in plantations and forest ecosystems and develops the inoculation of seedlings with mycelium of other mycorrhizal species.
Related to agriculture, the company develops endomycorrizhal inoculate as bio-fertilizers to be used in agricultural lands replacing chemical products.
The SME offers its technology and know-how with applications to different fields to be part of a consortium to submit project proposals on the Grean Deal under the following topics:
-LC-GD-6-1-2020: Testing and demonstrating systemic innovations in support of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy
-LC-GD-7-1-2020: Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services
-LC-GD-8-1-2020: Innovative, systemic zero-pollution solutions to protect health, environment and natural resources from persistent and mobile chemicals.
The company, apart from its technical expertise, can contribute with its advisory capacity and past experiences in EU project that focussed on:
i) Biological control by saprotrophic edible fungi,
ii) Silviculture applied for mushroom production,
iii) Truffle plantations, novel applications of fungal extracts in biomedicine.
Company’s expertise in bio-fertilizers, bioremediation in industries, soils and contaminated water could also be particularly relevant for topics 6.1 and 7.1. The fungi soil identification and monitoring technology could be also relevant for eliminating chemicals in relevance for topic 8.1.
The company seeks to work with universities, large companies, SMEs from the agro-food sector, with expertise in coordination of EU innovation projects.
The type of cooperation sought are research cooperation agreements.
The initial EU programmes identified as most relevant are the EU Green Deal calls and the LIFE Programme, but other programmes will be considered as well if they are in line with the company activities and interests.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company seeks to work with entities from the agri-food or industrial sectors with expertise in coordinate EU projects.
The SME would like to contribute as a partner in research projects to be submitted under an EU Programme, through a research cooperation agreement (ideally, within EU Green Deal, LIFE Programme, but other programmes will be considered as well if they are in line with the company activities and interests.
The cooperation agreement would be related to the research knowledge, potential and use of mycological resources for the sustainable management of the whole forest ecosystem (tree and fungi).
Stage of Development:
Concept stage
IPR Status:
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