High resolution patterning in organic semiconductors

A Spanish research institution has developed a new method for high resolution structural and/or compositional modification in a molecular organic semiconductor film. This method has applications in the production of electronic, optoelectronic and photonic devices among others. One step patterning allowing molecular orientation for the first time. Industrial partners are being sought to collaborate through patent license and research cooperation
A Spanish research institution has developed a new method patterning of material characteristics and concomitant final properties, including molecular conformation, orientation, crystallinity and composition. A key part of fabrication of organic semiconductor active layers involve spatial patterning of material characteristics to enable device-specific functionalities. State-of-the-art methods include photolithography, laser induced forward transfer (LIFT), inkjet, lithography, etc. Some of them are fast, some of them have high spatial resolution, nevertheless in large areas or roll-to-roll processing those techniques have limitations such as additive or substractive steps, slow multistep processing, etc. An additional limitation is the fact that several structural features remain unattanaible within one step. This method consists on the solution deposition of a molecular gate interlayer onto the target semiconductor layer, followed by a donor layer comprising functional small molecules. Application of a stimulus such as laser light, activates diffusion of the functional molecules into the semiconductor layer through the molecular gate interlayer. With this new method we can pattern local material composition, electrical doping, chain conformation and chain orientation. More than one feature can be patterned simultaneously. Moreover, we keep the resolution of a light patterning technique and a relatively fast speed. The Spanish research institution is searching for a company interested in the development and application of the technology under a license agreement, and its also open to establish a research cooperation agreement with the company to optimize the technology, according to the company interests.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Electronics industrial partners using organic semiconductors interested in the development and application of the technology in their production processes under a license agreement are sought. Licensing agreement: the partner would license the technology to implement it in its production process. Research cooperation agreement: the partner and the Spanish research institution could undertake a joint effort to further develop and optimize the technology to the partner's needs.
Stage of Development: 
Under development/lab tested
IPR Status: 
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
European patent application
External code: 