A Spanish consortium for biomedical research has developed an expert system, based in a robust algorithm, that enables chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients to enhance self–control of their disease improving adherence to treatments, reducing COPD progression and health care costs. The group is seeking experienced companies and investors in healthcare for a joint venture or financial agreements to create a spin-off to bring the technology to the market
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic very prevalent pathology (12%). Its progression depends on many factors. Many of these can be reduced/avoided if patients are well informed and trained in order to have a convenient control of their disease.
Patients with chronic diseases (including COPD) who have a closer relationship with health system, know better their disease, have self-manage tools, and are actively involved in their self-care, increase the adherence to treatments, and have more responsible use of health services. Thus, these patients will keep a good respiratory performance and have good quality of life for a longer time.
There is no tool on the market that supports COPD patients for correct self-management of their disease with a holistic view of the relevant determinants for disease progression and offers patients personalized recommendations.
The product is an implemented technology for use by COPD patient's personal mobile phones through private access provided by subscription. It is an expert system based in a broad scientific and clinical analysis of more to 200 variables for 10.449 COPD cases, attended in 147 Spanish hospitals.
The algorithm is enriched from diverse data sources that integrate scientific and clinical knowledge with patient’s health conditions and environment.
The algorithm identifies and weigh, for each patient, the main determinants mortality and hospital admission associated. It priories personalised recommendations according to the risk profile assigned to each patient and alerts about exposure to risk factors. It also helps and motivates patients to take control on their health and improve their quality of life for longer, preventing and reducing exacerbations and hospitalisations.
It has many advantages for patients, health providers and society and It can monitor the completion tasks level and their health impact.
Moreover, the variables analysis methodology that has been used to create this expert system for COPD patients can be applied, after adaptation, to other pathologies. In a context of COVID-19 pandemic, where the patient with comorbidities (like COPD) is at risk, it can also support remote healthcare for monitoring and controlling disease progression.
The consortium is a multidisciplinary team with clinicians and researchers experts on COPD and respiratory diseases. They have a long trajectory on these studies coordinating the biggest research audits on COPD in Spain and European large cohorts of patients. They belong to the biggest Consortium of Biomedical Research in Spain for Respiratory Diseases and they work, within and out the Consortium, with many of the best national and international experts.
The team is planning to create a spin-off and seeks companies in healthcare and digital healthcare sector for a joint venture in order to carry on the development, validation and market access of the technology. Investors are also sought for finantial agreements to invest in the new start-up.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The group is looking for companies experienced in healthcare or digital healthcare sectors for a joint venture. The partners should have the expertise to jointly further develop the technology and bring it to the market.
The team is also seeking investors in the same arena to invest in the project under a financial agreement.
Stage of Development:
Under development/lab tested
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
Algorithm performed. Software for mobile use and validation of the proof of concept under current development.
IPR Status:
Exclusive Rights
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Exclusive database for the analysis and use for this purpose.
External code: