A Spanish deep tech start-up based at the intersection of disciplines biology, AI and IoT, aims to help water pollution managers by bringing to the market one scalable and cost-effective technology of remote water monitoring and take care of watery ecosystems sustainability. The SME is seeking technical cooperation or research cooperation agreements and joint venture agreements with SMEs or R&D institutions in fields of wastewater treatment, water surveillance, environment or earth observation.
The Spanish start up is focus on smart solutions for water with tools as artificial intelligence platforms for modelling fluvial ecosystems, monitoring effluents, anticipating water pollution catastrophes, characterising fresh water behaviours, etc.
The start up works on understanding the problem (remote water monitoring) and developing the solution (a deep tech platform).
The technology offered is based on water pictures to monitor several water parameters as: turbidity, conductivity, pH, etc.
The prototype is validated by the main Spanish water agencies (early adopters) during 2019, its current main goal is the successful international market entry and to scale up the business.
Current water monitoring methods requires direct contact with water, either to take laboratory samples or sensors to gather values, which means high costs in equipment and manual tasks (calibration and maintenance), so capital and labour intensive. The technology developed by the Spanish star up allows regulators policies (water agencies) and regulated entities (water utilities) to get water parameters using water pictures.
The technology address water "monitoring" (real-time follow-up of measured physico-chemical parameters) or water "surveillance" (pollution detection).
The enterprise provides water pollution managers with a cost-effective solution (70% cheaper); an easy to install, maintain and use (a camera) technology that helps to the clients to get early alert data about every individual sampling point, not only to monitor it in a remote, continuous and real-time way but also alert water managers to high pollution levels and prevent extra costs and negative impacts on the watery environment.
The start up is planning to participate in the H2020 Green Deal calls, particularly in the following topics:
- LC-GD-1-2-2020: Towards Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities
- LC-GD-1-3-2020: Climate-resilient Innovation Packages for EU regions
- LC-GD-3-2-2020: Demonstration of systemic solutions for the territorial deployment of the circular economy
- LC-GD-8-1-2020: Innovative, systemic zero-pollution solutions to protect health, environment and natural resources from persistent and mobile chemicals
They are also considering the possibility of participating in others European programmes as LIFE, etc.
Furthermore, the Spanish start up is interested in technical cooperation agreements with SME or R&D institutions for customizations, further developments related with fluvial ecosystems and . Joint venture collaborations are also desirables.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The Spanish start up is interested in collaborating with SME and/or R&D institutions to submit a proposal for H2020 Green Deal calls (preferable topics : LC-GD-1-2-2020, LC-GD-1-3-2020, LC-GD-3-2-2020 and LC-GD-8-1-2020) but other international R&D Programmes will be considered as well if they are in line with the main activities and objectives of the company.
The start up would like to contribute to the projects as partner in charge of the remote water monitoring work package of the projects. The partners considered is expected to be in charge of process improvement and optimization, development of equipment and absorbent products for water treatment, automatic energy reduction technology, prevention & preparedness activities, project management, and marketing/communication/dissemination tasks.
The company could also be interested in a technical cooperation agreement or a joint venture in case partners want to customize the platform for monitoring fresh water and fluvial ecosystems.
The sectors in which SME and/or R&D institutions should wok are wastewater treatment, water, waste management, environment and earth observation. As expertise, the partners should be already committed to a transition in one or more of the key community systems: water, environment (including biodiversity), zero pollution from water, reduce energy consumption at wastewater treatment plant.
Stage of Development:
Prototype available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: