A Spanish SME aquaculture company offers its expertise in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), artificial intelligence and robotics management, and frogs and invertebrates breeding for innovative solutions in the fields of food, cosmetics, medicine, nutraceutics and biodiversity preservation. Technical cooperation and research cooperation agreements are sought. Countries targeted: France, Denmark, Italy, and Turkey.
The Spanish company, founded in 2014, is expert in frogs, algae, plankton, crustaceous, molluscs and fishes´ species breeding. The company developed innovative solutions in terms of species domestication, robotic and artificial intelligent management, entomic feeding, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) (algae, biofloc, aquaponics) for food and added-value products with several applications in the sectors food, cosmetics, medicine, nutraceutical and biodiversity preservation.
Frog meat, a traditional delicacy, is high-demanded with growing supply shortage due amphibians’ threats and limited breeding. The company contributes to mitigate frog depletion further than fishing bans and poaching by ethical rearing similar to other initiatives found world around. Frog meat is a very healthy meat option, with the lowest fat content, and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and vitamin K and A. Frog meat has a very low water footprint of 0,2 l/kg, far away from the 20.000 l/kg of beef meat.
The company has a research and development focused becoming a reference in its subsector. They participated in the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) allowing to reach the European markets. The company has also experience in technical collaborations and commercial transactions in Asia, Latin American and Caribbean regions.
The company has a wide experience in amphibians breeding and best practices, updating/upgrading its knowledge with innovative breeding methods, counting with pilot and demo plants for innovation techniques. The company is continuously seeking suitable suppliers within Europe, collaborating with research centres and experts in the field, and performing market analysis to adapt the business strategy of the company to the new trends.
The company is already involved in collaborative projects covering areas as robotic management, insect farm, microalgae photobioreactor (PBR), biofloc technology (BFT), recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA).
The company is preparing next step scaling up a salt and freshwater continental integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) facility with minimal eco footprint. The company is also working in new farm modules for young and women farmers.
The company is fully conscious in social equity, climate change resilience and wild and fluvial biodiversity protection.
The company is looking for partners for further developed and eventually deliver to the market added value products and by-products from the frog meat and skin and from amphibian toxins (samandarine, bufotoxin and tetrodotoxine).
The current interests areas of the company focus on:
-Food wholesale and retail distributors.
-New commercial channels: gourmet or delicatessen, organic and responsible trade, e-commerce
-Food, feed and bio-based medical, cosmetics and chemical value-added products production.
-Debris and waste plankton and invertebrates’ biomass production.
-Renewables (photovoltaic), fuel cell, tri-generation and water hydrolysis (H2+O2).
-Robotic and artificial intelligence, learning and processes improvements.
Partners sought are:
-Consumer organisations, organic, gastronomic...
-Pharma, cosmetics, nutraceuticals.
-Equipment Industry
-Biology and wildlife organisations: such as malacology, amphibians, herpetology, crustaceans, algae and aquatic plants, invertebrates and plankton projects for food, repopulation and decontamination of river waters.
-Research and technology organisations (RTOs) and universities.
-Marie Slodowska Curie actions (MSCA) candidates are also welcome.
The company is interested in further develop its technology, production processes and products under technological cooperation agreements; and apply its technology and know-how in its areas of interest through research cooperation agreements under European programs (as Horizon 2020, LIFE or INTERREG, MSCA) as Bio-Based Industry (BBI) initiatives.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Partners sought are consumer and environmental organisations, wholesale distributors, retail distributors, research centres and universities, from the sectors of bio refinery, pharma, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, agro food to search add value products, medical applications or knowledge.
The partnerships sought are technical cooperation agreements to generate new knowledge, develop new products for new applications, validated production processes and sale up and explore future commercial options in some of the fields exposed.
And research cooperation agreements, partners are sought to further develop the current production process and product under the framwork of EU programes. Marie Slodowska Curie actions (MSCA) candidates are also welcome in the fields of biology, chemistry, aquaculture, veterinary and hydroponic fields.
Stage of Development:
Field tested/evaluated
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Trade Marks
External code: