The company was founded in 2008 in the municipality of East New Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a limited liability company. The main field of operation of the company is the design and implementation of fiber optic telecommunications networks.
Cooperation with potential partners can be based on subcontracting agreement.
Main countries of interest for potential partnerships are Croatia, Slovenia, Austria and Germany.
The company was founded in 2008 in the municipality of East New Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was established as a limited liability company. The main field of operation of the company is the design and implementation of fiber optic telecommunications networks.
Since its establishment, the company has participated in many projects for the implementation of fiber optic telecommunications networks. Under the cooperation with Telecom Slovenia, several projects on the construction of fiber optic infrastructure were realized in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company continues the maintenance of the network infrastructure after the implementation.
Many projects completed for local power utility, Elektroprivreda BiH, stand out, which relate to the connecting of transformer substations, mining facilities and other business facilities into the optical system of Elektroprivreda BiH.
The company realized important projects for the construction of optical infrastructure for the highway "Corridor 5C" in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In the last few years, as the construction of FTTH (Fiber To The Home) networks has intensified, the company has participated in the construction of the FTTH networks for telecom operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For BH Telecom operator, the following networks were realized: FTTH Srebrenica, FTTH Brčko, FTTH Višnjik (Sarajevo), FTTH Kladanj. For m:tel operator, the following networks were realized: OAM (Optical Access Network) Lukavica, OAM Pale. During the realization of these OAMs, many users in private and public buildings and other facilities in these regions were connected. The works on these FTTH networks included the design and implementation works.
By cooperating with new international partners, the company wants to expand its activities to international market. The company estimates that subcontracting agreement is proper cooperation type since potential partners have better access to the market opportunities in their respective area and thus have more chance to contract works in the telecommunications sector.
Through the subcontracting agreement, the potential partner is expected to contract the design and implementation of fiber optic telecommunications network and to subcontract a part of work that it cannot perform on its. The external support from the client may include design or implementation of fiber optic telecommunications network, or both.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for partners in the field of
telecommunications who need an external partner for design and implementation of fiber optic telecommunications networks.
Through the subcontracting agreement, the potential partner is expected to assign a part of its contractual obligations to the client, i.e. the potential partner is expected to contract the design and implementation of fiber optic telecommunication network and to subcontract a part of work that it cannot perform on its own.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The company is looking for partners from telecommunications sector who have the need for external support in design and implementation of fiber optic telecommunications networks.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: