A company from Poland is offering a mobile application for efficient parking space management and finding, with a private parking places sharing functionality. The company is interested in an outsourcing agreement.
A start-up from Poland that works on innovative solutions to reduce parking chaos in urban areas and ensure better usage of the existing parking infrastructure, has developed a mobile application for efficient parking space management. Their vision is a friendly city where cars are left in underground parking places and the streets are more open to pedestrians.
The offered application uses gamification and machine learning algorithms that encourage sharing and active use of private parking places and enable control of parking prices depending on day time and other predefined circumstances.
Beside offering the simple parking space finder functionality, the client will act as a service provider for car park owners who would offer available spaces using the app. In this case, the fee will be adjusted to current demand and other parking fees in a given area. The application will also allow sharing parking places in car parks with restricted access (residential, office buildings, commercial spaces, hotels, airports, hospitals, etc.) as well as parking places with electric car charging stations. In restricted car parks, the application would offer remote gate control functionality. The app provider will earn on small commissions from commercial users. The system will also offer a free-of-charge good neighbourhood module, allowing free parking space sharing within a residential community, e.g. for guests, visiting family or fellow workers.
The described solution will have good market potential in busy city centres around Europe and would allow users to save time and quickly find a nearest parking place available in a given time, particularly in areas with limited commercial car park capacities. It is a good alternative to common parking space finder applications, extending their scope with shared parking spaces belonging to private owners.
Outsourcing agreement is sought.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company seeks owners of private parking lots, enterprises, non-governmental organisations, hospitals, medical centres, residential community representatives and developers to sign an outsourcing services agreement.
IPR Status:
Granted patent or patent application essential
External code: