A German company seeks distribution partners for a gamma probe system, made from surgical stainless steel, that detects breast cancer and melanoma with an increased probability. The system is easy to use and time-saving as it has an automatic quality control function. The distribution partner should already be active for customers in the field of cancer diagnostics.
A German SME is specialised in medical innovation with the objective to improve the life of patients.
The gamma probe system offered by the company was specially developed for the sentinel lymph node biopsy and it is used mainly to evaluate breast cancer and melanoma.
The complete probe is made of biocompatible surgical stainless steel. It is equipped with a standard 40° collimator that can be easily exchanged with other collimators (20°, 60°). The spatial resolution of marked lymph nodes of 12 mm is excellent. It boasts perfect side shielding of 99.97 % for error-free detection of radiation sources.
The system's performance is improved through the highest sensitivity and reaction time that lead to an increased detection probability. It shows an exact correlation between the displayed count rate and acoustic signal for a full focus on the examined area.
The system can be used by lithium accumulators (up to 7 h) or by the power supply. A detailed display informs about the battery status in percent with charging information.
The system is easy to use as no calibration is necessary and it has a clear intuitive easy-to-understand user interface with simple menu navigation. The compact and lightweight design makes it easy for transportation.
The German company would like to enter new markets abroad and is looking for distribution partners from the healthcare and diagnostics sector.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
A distribution partner is sought who is interested in taking up an innovative system and who has good contacts to hospitals and clinics where cancer diagnostic is performed.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
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