Researchers from a Spanish University have developed a new biomaterial for bone lesions treatment based on sea cucumbers and an in vitro method of preparing it. It is highly biocompatible and exhibits in vivo functionality with potentially better results in terms of bone regeneration and repair than other currently available materials. The university is looking for partners from the pharma / health industry interested in licensing this patented technology.
Hard tissue injuries, especially bone injuries, are very difficult to treat due to their special biological and functional characteristics. Most of the biomaterials currently available for the treatment of bone injuries have a poor biocompatibility and functionality in vivo and to date, the treatments and materials used in severe injuries to human bone result in very slow biointegration in the bone and low success rates. Therefore, the search for new highly biocompatible materials for use in the repair of bone defects is a priority in the field of trauma medicine research.
Researchers from a Spanish have developed a process for obtaining and using a new biomaterial employing for the first time dermal ossicles from Sea cucumbers (Holothuria echinoderm). These calcified microstructures are synthesized by one or more cells of the animal, which adhere closely to the surface of the ossicle. This makes the surface of the ossicles potentially highly biocompatible, which supports its clinical use as an inducing agent for bone regeneration.
The results obtained from the ex vivo and in vivo biocompatibility and efficacy studies have confirmed the proper biointegration process of the biomaterial, with the absence of signs of necrosis, tumor, infection, hemorrhage or rejection. Furthermore, greater bone repair and regeneration have been demonstrated in bone defects treated with holothurian ossicles.
The university is looking for partners from the pharma / health industry interested in licensing this patented technology.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The University is looking for companies involved in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering or cell therapy, in order to reach a license agreement.
Stage of Development:
Under development/lab tested
IPR Status:
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Spanish patent applied with priority date 15/12/2020, therefore possibility of international PCT or European patent extension.
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