COVID -19: UK SME has designed and developed a cane which respects social distancing for guiding the blind and visually impaired is seeking a manufacturer and then global partners via a distribution services agreement and or agency agreement

CommercialVeľká BritániaBOUK20210125002
North of England entrepreneur noticed a gap in the market for the blind/partially sighted people to adapt to travel unaided and be guided by people in unfamiliar surroundings. He has designed a telescopic cane that respects social distancing rules and is now seeking a manufacturer via a manufacturing agreement and then sell globally via a distribution services agreement and or agency agreement.
White canes have been used for centuries as a device used by many people who are blind or partially sighted. A white cane primarily allows its user to scan their surroundings for obstacles or orientation marks but is also helpful for onlookers in identifying the user as blind or visually impaired and taking appropriate care. The latter is the reason for the cane's white colour, which in many jurisdictions is mandatory. However, the white cane only facilitates safe navigation of the user’s immediate surroundings, and does not help with finding one’s way around unfamiliar spaces or buildings. As a result, blind and partially sighted people often need a companion to help guide them through public places, such as railway stations, airports, supermarkets etc. During the Covid-19 crisis, though, this practice has been made impractical by the need for proper social distancing; as sighted guiding requires physical contact between both parties, many blind and partially sighted people have decided to forego it altogether to avoid risking infection or transmission. This has also meant that many people with sight loss have been left without a way of using public services. To overcome this challenge, a blind UK entrepreneur has designed and developed a new device – a foldable, telescopic rod with specially designed handles at either end - that allows for social distancing during the times when a person needs to be guided. Their existing company, a tour operator specialising in international travel for blind and partially sighted people, has given them experience of what this demographic wants and needs, and so the device has been designed with this in mind. This device allows sighted guides to provide navigation assistance to visually impaired people whilst limiting the need for physical contact ensuring proper distancing. Each device is built from sturdy (yet lightweight) aluminium and durable injection-moulded plastic, and is comprised of two telescopically adjustable rods joined by a hinge in the middle. By fully extending the rods and locking the hinge into place, the device can stretch up to the 2m required for proper social distancing. Alternatively, by fully collapsing the rods and folding the hinge. This product is currently at a working prototype stage and the SME is looking for a manufacturer via a manufacturing agreement to make this in low volumes to start with and then partners to help with distribution via a distribution services agreement and/or a commercial agency agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The SME is looking for a manufacturer as the product is currently at working prototype stage. It has been extensively trialed and tested. Once manufactured they are looking to collaborate with distributors and or agents via a distribution services agreement and/or commercial agency agreement
Stage of Development: 
Available for demonstration
External code: 