Novel compound for the treatment of overweight and obesity

Researchers from a Spanish university have developed a pharmaceutical and nutraceutical composition for the treatment of overweight and obesity that uses β-resorcylic acid (β-RA) to cause a selective reduction of white adipose tissue without affecting skeletal muscle mass. The university is looking for partners from the industry interested in licensing this patented technology.
Overweight and obesity are defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of white adipose tissue (WAT) that can be detrimental to health. Consequently, both factors are associated with an increased risk of developing some non-communicable diseases (type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer and musculoskeletal disorders, among others). Although the main strategies used to contain them can trigger a reduction in body weight, it is not possible to ensure in particular cases that this loss links to a reduction only in WAT. On the other hand, the drugs commonly used against type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome or obesity generate very different results among the population and, in some cases, can cause harmful side effects, such as a loss of muscle mass. This fact raises the need for other options that reduce this fat tissue without losing muscle mass or other side effects. In this sense, researchers from a Spanish university have worked on the administration of β-resorcylic acid and propose its use to prevent the accumulation of WAT or to reduce its content, preserving the content of skeletal muscle mass at the same time. The technology bases on a novel mechanism of action in which β-RA exerts its effect, affecting the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the WAT. Its use offers a strategy, both therapeutic and non-therapeutic, aimed at combating and/or preventing overweight and/or obesity, in addition to other associated conditions (accumulation of lipid drops in the liver, hepatic steatosis, etc.). The researchers have developed a pharmaceutical composition and a nutraceutical composition, which comprise the compound in question, useful for the prevention and/or treatment of these factors and other diseases linked to their development. They are looking for partners from the pharmaceutical or nutraceutical industry interested in licensing this patented technology.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The university is looking for companies from the pharma or nutraceutical industry or related to the treatment of obesity, overweight and other diseases associated with these, in order to reach a license agreement for the patented technology.
Stage of Development: 
Under development/lab tested
IPR Status: 
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Spanish patent applied on 11/12/2020, possibility to extend to international PCT or European Patent
External code: 