Business development services in drug discovery via subcontracting

CommercialVeľká BritániaBOUK20210204002
A small UK company operates in a niche and a gap, promoting drug discovery from Universities and spinouts to big Pharma companies. Long expertise allows for much more accurate targeting and proposal writing, taking the guesswork out. Projects can be undertaken very flexibly and on a part-time basis. The UK company seeks subcontracting agreements with academia and young businesses.
In the supply chains and partnering opportunities of Pharma business, a gap has emerged. There is a lot of innovation going on in Universities that goes unnoticed. Many University technology transfer or liaisoning offices (TTOs) do a great job licensing IP, partnering assets and spinning-out new product and service based companies. These TTOs are frequently experts at reviewing IP, carrying out the due diligence and portfolio analysis of investment opportunities, technical, commercial and market evaluation and business creation and business plan drafting. However, in the cases where drug discovery services are offered and not specific IP, many TTOs lack the sales and marketing expertise required to grow the business (be it a spinout or a structure inside the University) or achieve revenue goals. A small UK consultancy benefits from long careers in global drug discovery CROs (contract research organisations), a wealth of expertise in drug discovery services and a significant network of contacts and customers. They offer services around business development to academia and their spinouts. The service may range from expert advice to hands-on support, running projects between Pharma and academia. For "established" drug discovery CRO's that already have in-house sales, marketing or business development personnel/expertise and are keen to grow their business, the company is able to represent them either globally or regionally on a part-time, consultancy basis rather than the company having to recruit a full-time sales or BD person. During the pandemic, it has been more difficult for everybody to open new doors, both for service providers offering something but also Pharma looking for new providers. The current subcontracting offer has initiated new collaborations even in the absence of travelling. The UK company seeks service agreements with academia and drug discovery businesses.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Type of partner sought: industry and academia. Specific area of partner sought: drug discovery services. Role of partner sought: the UK company welcomes non-binding conversations on their work so far and where exactly they can help partners with growth.
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