UK company seeks partners for specialist management information software, tracking employees who work on location, under commercial agency & license agreements

CommercialVeľká BritániaBOUK20210215001
This UK software company has developed field service management software for any business where employees and operatives are carrying out jobs that are not on an employer's site. Multiple sectors are supported and the SME is seeking license and commercial agency agreements.
UK software company established in 2018 has rapidly become established in digital end to end workflow management. They have developed a workforce tool aimed at businesses with employees working out of office, or outside on location. Jobs and tasks can be set up and assigned to workers and then tracked whilst they occur in real time. The software can track flexible workflows on complex projects, give transparency and instant information to supervisors and managers, manage necessary forms which need to be signed off, hold on-line paperwork requirements, offer real time communication and fulfil audit and compliance requirements. From safety checks to point-of-work risk assessments, the software supports processes to control the diverse and complex areas of health and safety. The requirement to monitor, manage and maintain the Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) areas of the software users' operations has become an essential part of the product offering, alongside the traditional mobile workflow management areas. The software supports the development of capable employees by providing training and support modules within the app for operatives to follow company specific principles, tools and techniques. Quality control is also assisted through minimising subjective decision making, by establishing standardised work principles and reducing process variation to deliver predicable outcomes. The solution also meets the growing requirements of audits trails and compliance, because it automatically creates digital records of the progress and completion of tasks, along with pertinent details such as who completed the action, when it was done, and any changes made. The sectors the software is most suitable for include highways (traffic management, road construction, surfacing, line marking and repair), infrastructure, general construction, maintenance, civil engineering and landscaping. The company seeks partnerships under commercial agency, or license agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company wishes to work with business partners across the world who would sell the company's services to their own respective customers/clients in a revenue split structure or otherwise. A transfer of rights is sought under a licence agreement for the licensor to use the materials as is usual with software agreements, most suitable for a partner that is going to directly make use of the software. Also a commercial agency agreement will be considered where the agent will work for a form of commission for introducing the software to its clients or contacts. Partners are sought across Europe and further afield with a particular interest in the Republic of Ireland, Holland, Germany and Scandinavia.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The software is fully developed and on the market, further developments, updates and customer modifications are in progress.
IPR Status: 
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