Polyurethane thermoplastic thank for pressure measuring cells for geotechnical applications, a better price-quality-related solution

Researchers from a Spanish University have developed a new tank for compression pressure measurement cells, for geotechnical applications, which represents a significant improvement over existing devices on the market by facilitating their manufacturing process and reducing the cost per piece. The type of associations sought are license agreement, manufacturing agreement and technical cooperation agreement with R&D institutions, industry and public institutions.
The Spanish research group has a wide experience in structural health monitoring and instrumentation of civil engineering structures and belongs to a medium-sized Spanish university founded in 1994, housing others 76 research groups more. The University has been very active in several Research & Innovation European Programmes (H2020 and previous FPs, LIFE, Justice, ERASMUS+, Interreg, COST, LLP, IEE, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, D. G. for Competition Policy and Strategy, Science for Peace and Security Programme-OTAN…) with over 50 European projects; with the role of coordinator in 22 projects and over 8.4 M€ overall EU funding received. Currently, this University participates in 26 on-going projects (in 12 of them as coordinator) in 8 different EU programmes with an average of 1.7 M€ of EU funding in the last 4 years. The technology offered consists in a pressure cell that is an installation with a sensor that allows to measure compression pressures inside a material in a specific direction. It is commonly used to know the compression pressures that are exerted at a point inside the ground or the final linings in tunnels. There is a direct relationship between reservoir size and pressure measurement accuracy, the smaller a total pressure cell the more accurate it will be. The traditional manufacturing process of the metal tank is laborious, which makes the final product more expensive. In addition, the demand for this type of sensors is low and consequently, its manufacturing process is poorly mechanized. The technical problem to be solved is to configure the deposit to be simpler and less expensive than known metal deposits. The material used is a thermoplastic polyurethane, suitable for this type of application, due to its mechanical resistance combined with certain flexibility and chemical resistance to oils. The diameter and height of the tank, and the thickness of the walls, are considerably lower than those of known metal tanks. There is the option of reinforcing the chemical resistance inside a sheet of waterproof latex or similar material. The proposed solution focuses on solving the technical problem of configuring a device so that it is simpler and less expensive than known metal tanks. The technology developed is characterized by the use of a thermoplastic material for the manufacture of small tanks. This material allows the use of common techniques for the manufacture of parts with thermoplastic material, such as manufacturing by adding material or 3D printing or rotational molding, so the cost per piece is lower. In addition, it is possible to develop special total pressure cells, specific for specific solutions. The most evident potential application of the tank is in the geotechnical instrumentation sector; known the compression pressures that are exerted at a point inside the ground in a certain direction or inside the final linings in tunnels, or between them and the ground is an essential parameter for work in this sector. The researcher are looking for international collaboration with industry, R&D institutions and public sector, under license agreement, manufacturing agreement and/or technical cooperation agreement; for further development, testing new applications and/or adaptation to specific needs are in addition offered.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
License agreement - Type: research organization and industries. - Activity: private companies or municipalities. - Role: pressure measurements, development of new applications, search for other needs. Manufacturing agreement - Type: industries or public institutions. - Activity: private companies or municipalities. - Role: pressure measurements and development of new applications. Technical cooperation agreement - Type: industries, public institutions. - Activity: private companies or municipalities. - Role: pressure measurements and development of new applications.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
External code: 