A Polish SME has been operating in the domain of business consultancy and training since 24 years. It developed a network of trusted business advisors, coaches and trainers in change management and interactive moderation, such as established associates in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) countries. It offers to be a local partner and outsourcer of global advisory companies in performing their projects. The outsourcing and joint venture agreements are considered as cooperation types.
This Polish small consulting company specializes in educational, advisory and translation services. Established in 1997 as family owned private partnership was focused on training and coaching sales executives in Poland and in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries. The founder with strong expertise coming from previous work in a local chamber of commerce and at Price Waterhouse IPG coached and consulted in a wide range of production, communication and sales development related areas including leadership, sales and team development. The company participated in the USAID/Price Waterhouse Coopers/ACDIVOCA advisory project (till 2000) as one of ten the best local advisory SMEs. In 2018 the company changed its legal form into limited liability entity and extended services into marketing automation, online research and virtual project management.
The portfolio of services comprises:
- Cooperation with global consulting companies to deliver consulting projects in CEE under their project management
- Supporting clients to introduce Industry 4.0 revolution in B2B marketing, recruitment and international cooperation using automation and B2B social media (e. g. LinkedIn) which is powered by sales robots.
- Development of international business network of trusted business advisors, such as local established associates in EMEA (UK, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Israel and Morocco). This local networks have proven success in projects implementing change in certain global companies.
- Acting as local advisors to excel in site selection, online recruitment, onboarding and local staff development for several global construction management companies.
- Management of pro bono consortium of 8 local companies that develop innovative digital tools and services that support virtual work.
The company recently focused on a few industries like manufacturing, logistics and pharmacy. In 2019 export of services reached 40 % of its incomes. The Polish company offers services of its associates EMEA multilingual consultants, trainers and change moderators, translation services and assistance in interactive moderation on many platforms for online meetings of large groups in remote work mode.
The Polish company offers to perform such activities like: client and employee research, training and development, presales of consulting or digital marketing services. Multinational enterprises and global advisory companies are sought to conclude an outsourcing contract.
Medium sized international consulting companies looking to expand to Polish and CEE market are invited to partnership through a joint venture agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
In case of outsourcing agreement
Type of potential partner: Large multinational companies performing global advisory and training projects who need local partners.
Role of potential partner: to outsource services of consultants in local EMEA languages connected with recruitment, translation, essential proofreading or interactive moderation of meetings.
In case of joint venture agreement
Type of potential partner: medium sized international consulting companies looking to expand to Polish and the CEE market
Role of potential partner: to establish a new entity for a specific project and for a well-defined period of time.
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