The UK company has developed a range of safe, gas-free equipment for the roofing industry that works with bitumen-based roofing compounds.The first of these electric-powered devices allow for melting bitumen-based compounds, the second is an electric hot-air torch used for drying surfaces, activating self-adhesive membranes to horizontal and vertical upstands, and effecting all types of detail work including pitch pockets. It is seeking market entry through distribution service agreements
Established in 2006, the UK company is committed to leveraging innovation to remove the need for dependence on gas on construction sites of all types.
The construction industry has long suffered from lack of innovation, resulting in the ongoing use of equipment which is not only inherently unsafe, but also inefficient, not user or environmentally friendly, noisy, and dirty.
The company's range of electric torches and heating equipment to heat up bitumen for the roofing industry are solutions that are a replacement for traditional liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) powered equipment that is known to cause safety issues or fires.
The equipment range available includes electric powered solutions for melting bitumen-based compounds, drying surfaces, torching membranes to upstands, and effecting all types of detail work.
The company model is to either sell it's equipment, or alternatively it has a successful equipment hire model. The company is seeking distributors in new markets under a distribution services agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Prospective partners should be existing suppliers to the roofing or construction sector, either by sales or equipment hire specialists or distributors.
Some technical expertise is required, although full training will be provided under the distribution services agreement.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Design Rights,Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted,Patents granted,Trade Marks,Copyright
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