A Spanish SME offers its expertise and skills in chemical and industrial engineering and in material and technology efficiency, to collaborate with partners applying to the M-ERA.NET 3 cofunded calls in implementing eco-design, recycling and end of life solutions, Life Cycle Assessment and circular economy modelling, via a research, technical or commercial agreement with technical assistance, in order to make the projects reach the envisaged environmental and socio-economic impact.
Environmental Engineering Consultancy SME, located in Valencia, Spain, is offering its knowledge and expertise to participate in the M-ERA.NET 3 cofunded call, bringing projects the advantage of assessing and optimizing their environmental and socio-economic impact.
With a multidisciplinary and transversal approach, the SME has matured a specific expertise in assessing the sustainability and optimizing the efficiency of novel batteries and energy storage systems for different applications, through the whole value chain (from raw materials to end-of life solutions). This expertise is endorsed by their work in several European Projects, among which: ASTRABAT focusing on conducting Eco-design, environmental and economic assessment, and recyclability analysis to optimize a new battery prototype for electric vehicles; and HYBRIS project, leading the sustainability requirements and materials efficiency and safety to develop an innovative battery based on hybrid storage system.
In order to promote and cluster the application of different technology-based solutions especially in the field of batteries, the SME is an active member of different platforms and networks: i.e. European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in Raw Materials; COST ACTION 2015, CRM-EXTREME: Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions; the Partnership for Advanced Materials for Batteries – AMBP, framed within the Smart Specialisation Platform (S3P); and BATTERYPLAT, the Spanish Technological Platform for Batteries and energy storage.
Through research, technical or commercial agreement with technical assistance the SME can support M-ERA.NET 3 cofunded call projects, providing the following services and added value:
o Eco-design recommendations (ISO 14062, ISO 14006) to integrate sustainability criteria in new products and processes from the very early designing stage;
o Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) analysis to quantify the environmental and economic impact of novel products and processes, according to ISO 14040 and 14044, and to guide the minimisation of the potential risks and the optimisation of the sustainability of the proposed solution;
o Recommendation Guidelines for Materials Safety, supporting the substitution of CRM and the efficient use of raw materials;
o Recyclability analysis, according to the Recycling Efficiency Commission Regulation (EU) 493/2012;
o Circular economy modelling, to promote the establishment of circular business models and facilitate industrial symbiosis;
o Guidance in environmental communication to spread the positive results of a sustainable solution and to promote tailored knowledge transfer to different types of stakeholders;
o Compliance with certification and standardisation schemes: Eco-labelling, Carbon Footprint Declaration;
o Clustering activities with Policy Makers and European initiatives on new battery development.
The SME is open to provide any additional information on these services and to offer a tailored study of the project to design the best option ensuring the full sustainability of the project, in collaboration with the other activities carried out by the consortium.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Looking for a consortium willing to subcontract sustainability assessment activities in a R&D project within the M-ERA.NET 3 (2021-2026) cofunded Call.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Design Rights
External code: