Armenian producer of women's bags, children's backpacks, as well as men's handbags, is looking for trade intermediary services.

The Armenian company is specialized in production of women's bags, children's backpacks, as well as men's handbags from natural leather and eco-leather. The company is producing the bags both by own design and by the design of the client. The company wants to expand its sales markets and is looking for distributors to cooperate under a distribution services agreement.
Although this Armenian company was founded in 2019, it's a family business with long-year of experience in the production of leather and eco-leather bags. The company produces a large range of women's bags, school backpacks as well as men's handbags. The company stands out for its individual design of bags with different printings and colors. The company's products are mostly handmade. The company is producing bags both by own design and by the design of the clients (any picture or writing or logo can be printed on the bag by special lasers). The company's production is already well known in the Armenian market and is presented and sold in all big malls, as well as through some Armenian online shops. The company wants to expand its production and find international markets. The company is looking for a distribution services agreement to sell its products abroad.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The distributors of women's bags, school backpacks, as well as men's handbags are sought to sell the products of the Armenian company in the foreign markets (supermarkets, malls, specialized stores, etc.).
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Trade Marks
External code: 