The company from the southwestern region of Poland is a small firm creating software and automated hardware solutions with the use of AI. The company helps to structure vision for Industry 4.0 transformation, develops tailormade AI manufacturing and warehousing software, provides support with integration of complex automated system on both software and hardware sides. The company plans to reach foreign market clients to start cooperation on the basis of subcontracting or outsourcing agreements.
The Polish company develops software using artificial intelligence for manufacturing and warehouse. Among the offered services, there is an audit of the potential, on the basis of which the services are adjusted to the technological readiness for automation of the client. Also, a possible cost reduction thanks to the implemented software is estimated. In case the client is in its first steps of stabilising its production processes, the company provides consulting on how to plan the strategy and implement the entire process of transformation (all within the frames of consulting on Industry 4.0).
Moreover, the company creates deep learning algorithms and based on the gathered data a model of the client’s production processes is built. This solution allows achieving energy efficiency, reduction of use of raw materials, optimisation of the whole production process, which often leads to the improvement of quality of the client’s final products. The company offers its expertise and experience at integration of automating manufacturing processes.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
SME or large companies with average and high level of automation of processes. The company has all the necessary tools to provide the service to clients of such type.
Preferred form of cooperation is subcontracting agreement where the Polish company is able to suport large projects with its experience.
The company is also able to support the partners under outsourcing agreement where the own workforce could be moved to the partners project.
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