A Spanish SME has developed an innovative management and automation of processes and production units programme that allows to efficiently control the productive activities of a company. It can launch and monitor work orders (OT’s) to manage manufacturing oriented and optimised for customer orders; everything under blockchain protocols. The Spanish SME is looking for IT service providers for licensing as well as industries for commercial agreements with technical assistance.
The concept of Industry 4.0 is now well known both in industry and in information and communication technologies
The new competitive scenario demands greater agility from companies: flexibility in production (short series) and dynamism (manufacturing on demand and digital shipping) have become key elements in an environment of global competition. It is necessary to realize that the transition to Industry 4.0 is a fundamentally changing process, which will have implications not only in the short term in the organization of work or in the efficiency of the productive processes, but will bring new ways to create value and new business models in the medium and long term.
At this point, a Southern Spanish SME has developed a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software tool with a decentralised process certification that allows to efficiently control the productive activities of a company
This tool is an easy to implement system, with an intuitive and simple learning curve.
This IT innovation performs the next functionalities:
a) Work orders entry
Authorized users will be able to create work orders, also set priorities and delivery dates.
b) Visualisation and commissioning of work orders
Filtering by dates and statuses, flagging out-of-date jobs.
c) Transit registration
With just 3 mouse clicks, it can be digitised incoming and outgoing jobs on workstations.
d) Warehouse management and external processes
Creation of intermediate warehouses and processes outsourced to third parties.
e) Verification and correction of processes. Finishing quality and finished product report
The information necessary and sufficient to assess the quality of production
f) Production analysis and production monitoring
Control panel that allows to optimize the production and reduce costs.
The solution can be applied to the following scenarios:
1. Real time process auditing and certification.
2. Certified access control.
3. Certified stock management.
4. Secure communication between the company and the customer.
5. Cybersecure management of sensitive company documentation.
6. Management of small external productions for partners.
7. Tokenized sale production (Futures)
8. Device management (IoT)
9. Industrial Process Analytics.
The Spanish SME is interested in getting in contact with local IT partners for license agreements, to commercially exploit and distribute the solution to industries coming from licensee efforts
Industries are also sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance in relation to the use of this solution and the provision of a number of technical services linked to it.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The Spanish SME is interested in getting in contact with:
a) Local IT partner that provide advanced services to industry. They would perform as licensees who should be able to commercially exploit and distribute the solution to industries coming from licensee efforts. The licensee shall be able to support the SME by providing the required input for technological services in relation to their technical needs. The licensee shall be responsible for all support needs resulting from the implementation of the solution.
b) Industry for commercial agreements with technical assistance in relation to this solution as well as a provision of technical services linked to it. These technical services include the data migration (data transfer process from other systems), the integration with other tools and systems and customized developments, all based on the needs and requirements.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
External code: