A Spanish technology company has developed a cloud platform to help manage international shipments faster and more securely than traditional systems. The platform simplifies and connects the logistic processes guaranteeing transparency, traceability and security, using Blockchain technology.
The firm seeks a long-term commercial agreement with technical assistance or services agreement with international freight transport companies, importers and exporters seeking digital transformation.
Blockchain in logistics is the new technological bet to increase agility and security in the exchange of information. This technology enhances more effective communication between providers, consumers and other agents from the global supply chain. The American consultancy and research company, Gartner, estimates the value that this technology will add to the industry by 2025 at more than 176,000 million dollars.
For the aforementioned, the Spanish company has focused for years on developing a platform blockchain based, where all players of the global trade ecosystem can collaborate and share information in the most secure way possible. This way, any movement, information or interaction between actors of the global trade ecosystem can be tracked, and it can guarantee the highest security of data and information.
The platform accelerates all international trade operations, coordinating all actors intervening in an operation, guaranteeing interoperability, accessibility, and transparency for all interested parties, as well as the centralization of all the information and the files in a single point.
The software solution is based on a scalable platform, deployed in the cloud, distributed and accessible globally, which eliminates the need for third parties to ensure the veracity of the intermediate transactions carried out (banks, auditors, etc.), due to integrated blockchain technology. The platform has been developed with the aim of digitalizing and optimizing processes related to the movement of goods (national and international) using technologies as blockchain and artificial intelligence
The main advantage are follows:
- Blockchain security and traceability
- Digital, collaborative, agnostic and interoperable platform in the cloud
- Easy and intuitive tool
- Speeds up of day-to-day operations
- Open synchronization of different international trade actors
The company has already partnered with important public institutions, global transport organizations, global associations and the Spanish customs in order to digitalize and improve the global trade ecosystem, and is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance or services agreement with international transport companies and import and export companies to guide global trade actors towards digital transformation.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The firm is looking for a long-term commercial agreement with technical assistance or services agreement with import, export and international transport of goods companies that need novel and agile software solutions for improving their supply chain management for their digital transformation.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
A patent is still pending as it has only been requested and not yet granted. The patent number would be: 1201518. The classes for which it has been requested are the following: 9, 35, 36, 39, 42. The patent was requested through the European Union and covers all its member countries.
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