Procedure by software for evaluating the joint authorship of a handwritten signature set

A Spanish university has developed software capable of verifying if handwritten signatures in different documents belong to the same author or not. The novelty of this software is that it does not require any reference signatures to work. This is a critical aspect for forensic handwriting experts. The university is interested in establishing commercial agreements with technical assistance and licensing agreements.
The university research group has previous experience in pattern recognition, document analysis and handwriting recognition, and has develop a software for validating handwritten signature. Handwritten signature is the most widely used system in the world as a means of authentication, having legal acceptance. Hence, the importance of reliability in methods and systems for automatic verification of the signature. Currently, there are two methods for signature verification: The online method, when the process is carried out while the user is signing, which allows to have extra data, such as pressure, speed, starting and ending point of the strokes, etc.; and the off-line method, in which the verification is carried out later, once the user has finished signing, so the verification process is more complicated. In both cases, the systems require storing undoubted signatures; that is, signatures that have been made previously by the original signer. The main difference of the solution proposed by the University, with respect to others that already exist in the market, is that the system does not require storing undoubted signatures. Instead, given a set of documents signed, once the signatures have been extracted, this system is capable of verifying if the handwritten signatures belong to the same author or not. The system is useful in massive digitization tasks, in which large volumes of information are handled and there is a need to add a layer of security in the document storage procedure by common authorship verification without missing a beat or being affected by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679) The university is interested in commercial agreement with technical assistance and licensing agreement, and seeks: • Companies that develop applications for document management and forensic consultancies in copy documents. • Companies in the sector that develop their own products could also be interested. • Forensic Handwriting Examiners.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Companies in the field of: document management, forensic consultancies in copy documents. The software needs to be adapted from the software developed by the researchers to low-level software and integration into the systems of the interested company. The university in collaboration with the company/customer will do the system adaptation
Stage of Development: 
Under development/lab tested
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The system has been proved and validated in controlled environment.
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
The procedure was patented
External code: 