A UK-based SME has developed a novel coating technology with anti-bacterial and anti-viral efficacy. Applied to filters it enables filtration and inactivation of bacteria and virus. Developed for face masks the company will further develop and scale the technology. Currently working with a UK research institute and other research organisations they are looking to join a Horizon Europe research consortium with the partnership envisaged as a research and cooperation agreement.
The current COVID pandemic has shown how quickly and easily infectious disease can spread and the need for measures to reduce this spread. Despite the development and roll out of several vaccines, it is likely that additional measure against COVID, and other infections, will be needed for some time to come.
A UK-based SME has developed a novel nanocoating technology to be used as an antiviral coating on face mask and industrial filters. These developed filters both filter out and deactivate bacteria and virus including coronavirus. Following a recent successful project to prove the concept, the SME is looking to further develop and scale up this technology.
The UK SME has partnered with a UK Research Institute and is in discussions with a UK university and a UK technology centre and is now looking to join a research consortia for the Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01: Antimicrobial, Antiviral, and Antifungal Nanocoatings (RIA) to further develop and scale the technology. They are especially looking for consortia that have medical device and industrial filter manufacturers and also expertise in filter efficacy testing and toxicity testing. The UK SME is looking for research cooperation agreements with the consortium partners.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The UK SME has developed nanocoating technology and has worked with a UK research institute with expertise in evaluating antimicrobial and antiviral efficacy to demonstrate proof of concept in relation to applying the technology to face masks.
The UK SME and the UK research institute, university and technology centre are looking to join a consortium for Horizon Europe to further develop and scale this technology.
The SME will provide its nanocoating technology to the consortium for development and testing. This coating has been proven on fabrics and hard surfaces to prevent bacterial/viral transmissions and biofilm formation for the application on medical masks, industrial filters, fabrics and hard surfaces including medical implants. The research institute will offer its expertise and testing protocols to verify efficacy against specific target organisms. They can contribute to assessing toxicity. The UK university will provide expertise in characterisation and validation of coated materials. The UK technology centre will provide engineering design and scale up of the laboratory tested products.
They are looking to join a consortium in order to further develop and scale this technology up, and are looking for consortia with the following make up:
Medical device manufacturers, such as medical implants and masks
Industrial filter manufacturers
Partners with expertise in filter testing and regulations
Toxicity testing contract research organisations
The partnership will be a research and cooperation agreement.
Stage of Development:
Prototype available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Copyright
External code: