A Spanish construction company, asphalt mixes producer with own quarries and experienced in EU projects, is looking for partners for a proposal to be prepared for Horizon Europe “HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17: Integration of hydrogen for replacing fossil fuels in industrial applications (IA)”. The company will act as a demonstrator and they look for partners and a coordinator for the consortium (hydrogen suppliers, R&D centres, communication management, other demonstrators…).
Hydrogen does not emit any carbon dioxide when used and, when produced with renewable energies, it offers a solution to decarbonise industrial processes, being an important enabler to meet the 2050 climate neutrality goal of the European Green Deal and EU’s clean energy transition.
Hydrogen can be used as feedstock and energy carrier in energy-intensive industry sectors.
Hydrogen presents an opportunity for EU industry to reduce emissions across a number of sectors.
The integration of hydrogen into new production routes, the direct use of hydrogen for heating and the use and production of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) emission-free hydrogen instead of carbon-intensive hydrogen will be fundamental to decarbonise EU industry across a number of sectors.
The Spanish construction company, dedicated to the production of asphalt mixes, proposes a project idea for a consortium to research and demonstrate an industrial process reaching the following results:
• Significant reduction of CO2 emissions, whilst keeping NOx levels at least not higher than the equivalent gas-based solutions
• Improved energy efficiency
• Significant reduction of hydrogen fuel needs compared to the current fossil fuel needs
• Competitive costs of the developed technologies
• Hydrogen systems integrated with industrial heat systems
On the industrial side, the project will focus on:
• Scaling-up innovative heat upgrade technologies
• Achieving successful integration of renewable heat sources (photovoltaic) as the input heat flow to be further upgraded
• Reducing the cost of heat upgrade technologies, by improving their performance
• Demonstrating their use at pilot or industrial scale
• Studying the techno-economic feasibility of long-term integration into industrial installations covering multiple industries
The company is looking for a “ready or not” consortium for the Horizon Europe Call: HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17: Integration of hydrogen for replacing fossil fuels in industrial applications (IA).
The role of the Spanish company in the consortium will be as a demonstrator of the technology developed, due to the energy requirements they have in their industrial process:
• High thermal energy demand
• Process temperatures in the range 90-250°C
• High energy costs (40% of the production) of fossil fuels
Acting as a demonstrator, they can offer to the project the following aspects:
• Available space in their production sites (quarries and asphalt plants)
• High irradiation
• Photovoltaic installation (MW)
• Knowledge in Europe funding
The call will open in 4th quarter of 2021 and the deadline will be in the mid 2022.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The Spanish construction company, experienced in EU projects, will act as a demonstrator and is looking for partners and coordinator for a consortium to prepare a proposal to be submitted to the Horizon Europe topic: HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17: Integration of hydrogen for replacing fossil fuels in industrial applications (IA).
The type of partners sought can be: hydrogen suppliers, R&D centers, communication management and other demonstrators.
Stage of Development:
Available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Design Rights
External code: