Two Spanish universities have registered a new accessory that allows controlling the visual and body posture of whoever wears it, including a vibration sensor as a warning system.
The types of association sought are license agreement and/or manufacturing agreement with any industry size, private or public authorities.
The two Spanish universities are very active in several Research & Innovation European Programs (H2020 and previous FPs, LIFE, Justice, ERASMUS+, Interreg, COST, LLP, IEE, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, D. G. for Competition Policy and Strategy, Science for Peace and Security Programme-OTAN…) with over 500 European projects managed between the two.
The postural control system consists of a simple accessory, without connections to other devices, that allows control of visual and body posture. This system includes accelerometers for calculating the position of the body and vibration sensors as a warning system.
The case of the device is placed close to the user's skin to perceive the movements that she/he performs. This box is made of elastic plastic material and can be customizable. The accelerometers measure in the three axes and this data is compared with the data of the correct position previously measured. If the results go outside the set limits, the warning system is activated so that the user can correct their visual and/or body posture immediately.
Potential applications of the installation are as follow:
- Body posture control
- Visual posture control
The researcher groups are interested in international cooperation under manufacturing and/or license agreement with any size industry related to the health sector, including disability care sector, depending or not on public administrations.
In addition, the research group offers tests of new applications and/or adaptation to specific needs and the possibility of further development.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
License agreement
- Type: any size private companies or municipalities.
- Activity: health sector, including disability care, physiotherapy and orthopaedic technology areas.
- Role: a transfer of rights involving the authorization to use the patented technology, in return for a fee or share of royalties.
Manufacturing agreement
- Type: any size private companies or municipalities.
- Activity: health sector, including disability care, physiotherapy and orthopaedic technology areas.
- Role: stablish an agreement with an eye on production of this bracelet for postural (body or visual) control.
Stage of Development:
Proposal under development
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
Development phase – laboratory tested
IPR Status:
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
External code: