Spanish university has developed a web application, which allow draw conclusions about the transport or logistics processes that are currently implemented, and the prediction of the conditions of the trips in the near future, being able to plan or anticipate different situations allowing an optimization of their activities. The types of association sought are lincensed, financial or commercial agreement with industry, academia and R&D institutions in the sectors of logistic, transport or courier
The Spanish research group is an interdisciplinary group in the areas of knowledge of telecommunications, computing and engineering. This Spanish research belongs to a medium-sized Spanish university founded in 1994, housing others 76 research groups more.
There are various commercial software solutions dedicated to traffic analysis. These companies perform the analysis using geospatial data and traffic cameras mainly. The offered software in this profile is based on the analysis of GPS trajectories, which lowers the cost of infrastructures since only a device with GPS is necessary and, now almost all public and private vehicles have one. Like these solutions, an application that runs on a server and on these devices is needed to be able to collect the routes and analyze them.
The prototype is based on big data technology and on the “Application of traffic analysis through geopositioning routes (AATRG)”. By combining both technologies, it is possible to build, from the raw data collected through the GPS devices of the users, a model of the traffic state. Using this technology, large amounts of raw data can be processed and that data can be enriched with information from other sources. By processing the enriched data, a model is generated that allows the information contained in these data to be described and analyzed.
The model generated in the prototype is a directed graph that describes the traffic between different locations in the city. This graph is associated with additional information in its relationships such as average speed and traffic density. Representing this graph graphically on a map, it allows a visual understanding of the traffic state. In addition, it is possible to make automatic predictions of specific days and hours, so that companies can adapt their logistics to daily conditions. This would allow transport and logistics companies to adapt to daily changes in traffic in order to optimize their resources which would improve their competitiveness.
Potential applications of the software created are as follow:
- Provide both consulting and personalized analysis services as well as custom applications that allow analysis to the company itself.
- Transport companies and parcel or merchandise delivery, which would allow them to go one step further in optimizing planned routes.
- Public administrations, city councils and those companies subcontracted by them, since it allows an analysis of the traffic that is key for the development of strategies known as smart cities or smart tourist destinations.
- Public administrations since it allows making informed decisions for the regulation of traffic lights, planning of the public urban transport system, planning of emergency systems (ambulances, evacuation for emergencies), urban plans and in general all kinds of decisions that may affect traffic.
- Individual users who are either self-employed whose commercial activity depends on urban transport, or are developers of other applications that can use the processed traffic data for their own operation or simply want to know the state of traffic in their city to plan their own trips.
The researcher group is interested in international cooperation under license agreement, manufacturing agreement, and / or commercial agreement with technical assistance. The partner sough are other research organization or universities and any size companies in the field of courier companies, transport logistics, passenger transport (taxis or buses), public administrations or municipalities, etc.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
- Type: public and private organizations related to the transport and logistics sector.
- Activity: experience in logistics and other activities related to travel in a vehicle
- Role: to purchase the technology exposed on a non-exclusive basis and to require additional service to support the transfer.
License agreement
- Type: research organization or universities and any size companies or public organizations related to the transport and logistics sector.
- Activity: experience and interest in courier companies, transport logistics, passenger transport (taxis or buses) and other activities related to travel in a vehicle
- Role: a transfer of rights involving the authorization to use the patented technology, in return for a fee or share of royalties.
Financial agreement
- Type: public and private organizations related to the transport and logistics sector.
- Activity: experience investment in technology projects in the field of transport and logistic.
- Role: looking for technology projects for investment purposes.
Stage of Development:
Prototype available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Intellectual property registration. Status of the invention: developed in the validation process
External code: