The company is a Spanish SME leader in the field of biosensor-based analytical devices applied to food safety monitoring. Innovation of the solution relies on being the first digitized and inexpensive integral solution for food safety monitoring composed by digital biosensing devices connected to cloud services for monitoring critical food safety parameters through all the value chain. The company offers a technical or research cooperation agreement to continue developing the system.
The Spanish SME develops, manufactures and commercializes rapid, portable and user-friendly analytical devices applied to the food industry in three main sectors, seafood, dairy and wine sector. Its technology is based on its proprietary enzyme-based electrochemical biosensor technology developed combining know-how in electronics, electrochemistry and biotechnology not depending on third parties. The company counts with its own facilities for enzyme production, biosensor manufacturing based on screen printed or solid electrodes, electronic measuring devices assembly and data analytics.
Digitalization is changing all areas of our life from the way we are informed to the way we travel or buy. The power of digitalization is also changing the European industry by transforming manufacturing processes, supply chains and business models, among other elements of the industry. In the specific case of the food industry, digitalization is beginning to disrupt some processes of the sector to face key challenges as strict international legislation on food safety and traceability, growing consumer awareness on quality, food label information and sustainability, and complicated food supply chain networks.
One of the fields where digitalization is becoming fundamental is in the traceability systems to manage food safety through all supply chain. Improvement of food safety testing tools and traceability systems through digitalization and connecting them to an integral cloud-based solution (devices + cloud platforms associated services) will be crucial to ensure food safety and regulatory compliance and to rapidly track and trace the origin of a contaminated product and ensure data integrity globally.
The company has developed the first cloud-based food safety testing tool enabled on biosensing technology with the added value and key differentiation point from competitors of offering an integral solution including additional services as data securitisation, quick data handling and data visualization.
The company desires either to obtain software solutions that may be integrated in the diagnostic tool or to demonstrate the diagnostic tool in a food industry company to improve it. The first way would hold to a research cooperation agreement and the second one a technological cooperation agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for two kinds of different partners. One may be a software developer company that gives traceability/food safety software solutions to be integrated with the company’s integral solution (analytical tools + cloud-based platform). The other type of partner would be food industry companies that are willing to demonstrate the technology and therefore, become potential future customers.
Stage of Development:
Available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: