A Spanish environmental consulting firm offers environmental advice and consulting to support other companies and institutions in evaluating the sustainability of their products, processes and organization. The company guides them on their way to adapt their portfolio to specific regulations, certifications and eco-labels, providing competitive advantages for their business development.The company is looking for partners under subcontracting agreement
The company based in Valencia (Spain) offers a wide range of services within environmental and sustainability consultancy, in different fields and sectors (advanced materials for different applications such as packaging; transport; renewable energies; sustainable tourism; biotechnologies and bioeconomy) to support the achievement of environmental objectives and merits, and eventually obtain relevant certifications and labels.
The main services are summarized as follows:
•Calculation of the Carbon Footprint: quantifying the greenhouse gas emissions of an entity during the development of a product or service and designing mitigation and/or compensation plans to foster their sustainability performance, fulfilling all legal requirements and allowing their certification, Analogously, the analysis can be complemented by the evaluation of the Water Footprint, characterized by the identification of needs and habits in water use and consumption.
•Integration of Eco-design recommendations in product development, combining environmental criteria in the design phases of the product, adopting preventive measures and reducing the environmental impacts through the life cycle perspective. Eco-design allows to guide the selection of sustainable materials and manufacturing process promoting circular economy.
•Assessment of the environmental, economic and social impact of materials, products and services, through tools such as Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Social Life Cycle Analysis (s-LCA).
•Modelling products and services through circular economy thinking, fostering guidelines for companies that seek to reduce their environmental impact and guarantee the efficiency of their actions. Within this scope, Eco-labelling is also offered as a solution to meet environmental criteria that encourage companies and customers to develop and buy products in a sustainable way, encouraging the reduction of waste and emissions and guiding better ecological practices.
•Advice and consulting on how to reach sustainability objectives, supporting and guiding entities in the achievement of their goals, throughout the process of auditing and certification of products or services, by officially recognized organizations.
•The company offers auditing and supports services in the certification and audit process, to ensure the achievement of the objectives set by the entity.
The SME is looking forward to enlarging its partners to cooperate with other european companies through subcontracting agreements with companies and organisations.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The type of partner sought are: companies,evaluating sustainability of their products, processes, and organisations.
The company is looking forward to enlarging its partners through subcontracting agreement for specific products and offers, and also research and technical cooperation agreements within the framework of different national and European cooperation funds (i.e. Horizon Europe, Life, Interreg, Erasmus+…).
The company is looking for partners from the private (i.e. industrial, energy, civil works and construction, food and drinks, materials sectors) and public sector (i.e. urban planning, environmental conservation, and restoration) aiming to quantify the environmental impact of human activity and the actions they can take to reduce it.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: