This Israeli company develops and manufactures specialty solutions for high end ballistic armour, employing state of the art ceramic materials, to serve the body armour, aircraft, marine and vehicle armouring market. This world leader in design and manufacturing of customized systems, modules and parts fabricated from various advanced ceramics, is looking for a global partnership in the form of a manufacturing, joint venture, distribution services or license agreement, or through subcontracting.
The Israeli company has developed infrastructure that allows global support for armor protection through on time production of varying levels, designs and dimensions for body, vehicle and aircraft armor. The team has many years of expertise in material and armor science, held major positions in defense companies throughout the years and are experienced entrepreneurs in science and technology. Specific formulations and customization are designed to solve customers' specific armor needs, in the most cost effective manner. The company offers fully documented traceability from raw material to end product, with each unit serially numbered. The distinctive properties of the company's advanced ceramic materials satisfy the needs for the most demanding applications.
The company is looking for a global partnership to increase its own production or to expand its market. With a manufacturing agreement or outsourcing, or even a potential joint venture agreement, the company can manufacture more products to increase its sales. The company would also partner with a company through a distribution services agreement or licence agreement to expand its market to a larger client base
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type: The Israeli company is seeking to partner with, and sell to, defense contractors and integrators with access to military, homeland security and government clients.
Role of partner companies:
- manufacturing agreement (to allow the company to use its world class technology to produce the partner’s products, thus increasing the scope of production and offering more products to customers)
- subcontracting (to allow the company to act as an independent contractor for other products of the partner company within the field)
- distribution services (a company experienced in selling high end ballistic armor to sell the products to different local markets to increase the company's reach and increase sales)
-license agreement (to act as a person authorized by the company for the commercialization of its technology. The company would have the rights to use the well developed technology and bring its product to new domestic markets)
- joint venture agreement (partner company within the field to develop a new entity with, to merge skills, knowledge, and technology for the good of both companies)
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Patents granted
External code: