The SME is a technology company specialized in advanced materials (graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, special coatings etc.) and biotechnology (genetics, IVD, drug delivery, recombinant DNA technology etc.) and located in Ankara/Turkey. The SME is seeking partners from European countries for development of new products for different industries (aerospace, automotive, composites, medical devices, pharmaceuticals etc.) using advanced materials and technologies.
The SME is a technology company, established in 2011, located in ODTU Teknokent (Ankara/Turkey). Company is specialized in the production and processing of advanced materials such as graphene, carbon nanotubes and nano-sized metals/oxides/carbides, genetic materials, proteins, diagnostic kits etc. It has 2 experienced technology departments, namely Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Departments which perform their studies in a ~500 m2 laboratory area with relevant test equipments. The SME is also quite well-experienced in the up-scaling and manufacturing works, has scaled up and moved most of its products developed in R&D to its manufacturing facility. Some of these products can be listed as; graphene derivatives (100 tonnes/year), carbon nanotubes (>1 ton/year), specialized coatings (containing its advanced products) for Aerospace and Automotive Industries (~1000 tonnes/year), diagnostic kits for Covid-19 (~5 million reactions/year) and more. The SME puts special emphasis on Research&Development in order to develop more advanced products for industries. R&D Department of the company is composed of more than 20 employees which are led by PhD holding expert personnel and guided by academicians from different universities. Therefore, the company is mainly seeking for project partners from technology companies, manufacturers, research institutes which are interested to study in Advanced Materials and Biotechnology fields.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is seeking for partners from industry, academia and research organizations which are interested in advanced products, make innovations in their fields and preferably have established Research and/or Product Development teams.
The company mainly focuses on advanced materials (graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, special coatings etc.) and biotechnology (genetics, IVD, drug delivery, recombinant DNA technology etc.) fields. The company is seeking for partners dealing with related technologies, producing advanced materials or interested to integrate these technologies and products into their facilities and systems.
It planning to create new project collaborations together with its partners in order European Industry to gain more advanced products for their new, value-added goods and take the lead in their fields globally. Similarly, they can develop advanced applications with their products to partner companies that are interested to integrate new materials to their systems.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
Most of the SME's products are already in the market. As a consequence of its R&D studies there are many other products being developed in different stages.
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted,Patents granted,Trade Marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
The SME applies for patents for all of its innovative products. While some of its patents are issued, some of them are under inspection yet. It has several trademarks that are valid in number of countries. The SME puts a lot of focus on protecting its IPR rights and have IPR agreements with all of its research and product partners.
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