An Italian SME is offering impact assessment service

The Italian SME helps companies in their sustainable investments starting from the project idea evaluation to cost-benefits analysis, impact analysis to evaluate projects' in terms of financial and non-financial indicators using its innovative platform. Moreover, the company offers supporting services in project management and partnership management to successfully fulfill the project. The SME is looking for license, research cooperation and commercial agreement with technical assistance
The italian SME company's mission is to support SMEs in their digital and low-carbon transition to a more sustainable economy by measuring the impact of their technologies and their investment projects. The italian SME focuses its activities on the impact analysis and on the sustainable finance. The elaboration of advanced computable economic models, in line with the most rigorous scientific methodologies and the best practices of multilateral institutions and organizations, allow to carry out reliable ex ante assessments of the impacts of policies and investments to estimate the economic, social and environmental effects, within the context of transparent and objective reporting frameworks (SDG (Sustainable Development Goals, GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), WBI (World Bank Institute), OECD MEI (Main Economic Indicators of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)) using interactive instruments that facilitate the exploration of results and dialogue with stakeholders. Impact Analysis ranks among the most accurate methods of assessing the so-called “externalities”. It allows to estimate the direct, indirect and induced impacts generated by changes in the regulatory framework and/or by the implementation of an investment project. In this respect IA (Impact Analysis) extends cost benefit analysis and computable general equilibrium assessments to environmental and social variables and to a large number of additional externalities, including the provision of services from natural and human capital. The company can leverage an extensive experience in developing in-depth analysis on the economic, social and environmental effects of complex policy measures, with a particular focus on programs and projects aimed to mitigate climate change and foster inclusive and resilient growth. The SMEs platform provides tools for the analysis of policy impact, with special emphasis on the evaluation of externalities. The evaluation is performed and presented within a robust and comprehensive analytical framework for evaluating investments and political interventions on environmental quality, economic performance and social equity. The SMEs platform allows to perform an analysis in real time, in a quick and intuitive way, of the economic, social and environmental impacts of policies and investments. Thanks to its powerful computational engine, based on a set of advanced models, and sophisticated interactive dashboard, the innovative platform drastically reduces the complexity, effort and timing of extended impact assessment. The use of the innovative platform reduces the costs and complexity of the analysis and allows consistent, updated and reliable estimates of a wide range of externalities, alongside effective representation tools based on sophisticated interactive graphic libraries. The end-to-end procedure for extended impact assessment is based on official statistics and updated datasets from institutional sources, on a robust modeling engine in line with the best practices of multilateral bodies (including the European Commission, the EIB and the World Bank) to provide rigorous and reliable impact assessments of programs and projects. The company can offer its expertise in the impact assessment of an investment by considering the following aspects:  Credibility of the pathways to achieve the expected outcomes and impacts specified in the work programme, and the likely scale and significance of the contributions due to the project.  Suitability and quality of the measures to maximise expected outcomes and impacts, as set out in the dissemination and exploitation plan, including communication activities. Under these frames the SME is ready for license agreements, research cooperation and commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The italian SME is looking for industry, academy, research organization, business companies operating in energy, banking, insurance, multiutilities, agriculture, construction, creative industries, economics, education, aiming at performing impact assessments of their projects in research and innovation. The partner will carry out its projects by cooperating with the italian company, by signing a commercia agreement with technical assistance, by a license agreement
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The tool is currently available in three languages (English, Italian and Spanish) and in all currencies surveyed by Forex.
IPR Status: 
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