The Romanian company specialized in growing Champignon and Pleurotus mushrooms is seeking for trade partners from Austria, Germany, Italy and Poland interested in selling the Romanian products under distribution services agreements.
The Romanian company has a nearly ten years experience on national level in the vegetable wholesale and distribution field. Since 2010, the company has grown Champignon and Pleurotus mushrooms and has transported them in optimal thermal conditions.
The whole production is certified with GLOBALGAP and ISO 9001 standards.
Willing to expand its client portfolio, the Romanian company is interested in entering new markets by finding foreign business partners in Austria, Germany, Italy and Poland.
Moreover, if requested, the company offers the mushroom transport as well. The maximum quantity available for delivery is between 4 and 6 tons per week. Though, the company is able to increase the production according to specific contractual terms.
The sought partnership will be concluded under distribution services agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The Romanian company is willing to establish long term distribution agreements with distributors of mushrooms from Austria, Germany, Italy and Poland. The company offers, by request, the delivery by own trucks of 4 to 6 tons of mushrooms per week.
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