A Spanish SME that provides services to Telecommunications operators has developed an innovative services plaftorm GIS based for the remote management of networks and infrastructures. This powerful tool provides remote geolocalisation, digitation, monitoring, management and edition of FTTH (FiberToTheHome) netwoks. The SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance with Telecommunications operators and/or technical cooperation with other telecom services providers.
A Southern Spanish Technology Based SME active in the fied of Telecommunication services provision has developed a Smart Geolocation services platform.
This solution performs as a web mapping cloud tool for the final user. It consists of two lines: FTTH (Fiber to the home) and infrastructure that support the following main functionalities:
a) Geolocation and management of information.
Visualization module for intuitive, intelligent and detailed visualisation of characteristics. Elements are geolocated via webmapping
b) Design, edition and digitation module for an always updated network
Edition is possible anytime from the web platform. CARTO is supported for maps hosting.
Digitation of the elements characteristics can be aproached and makes possible to have a complete real time inventory.
c) Real time monitoring and control of every element of the network and infrastructure.
Smart spatial analysis to make better decissions according to the information shown.
d) Services provision and user control to have a 360º view of the network.
Systems and requests of users can be controlled for a better clients policy.
The Spanish SME is interested in several types of agreements. This will depend on the potential partner:
a) Technical cooperation is sought with another Telecommunications services providers for adaptation to local markets, dissemination, implementation and joint technical support in their area to final users. Joint projects for upgrading of the technology are also desirable.
b) Commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought with final users (Telecommunications operators).
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type of partner sought: Companies and SMEs working as Telecommunications operator and/or Telecommunication services provider.
Role to be played by the interested partner will depend on their needs:
a) Commercial Agreement with technical asistance is sought with Telecommunications operators. They will provide their specific needs for a personalised adaptation and implementation of the tool. They will be provided wth technical support and mainteinance.
b) Technical Cooperation is also desirable with Telecommunications service providers. They would include this tool in their portfolio and would help to disseminate the technology, adaptation to their local/national market, identification of final users, provision of technical support and maintenance at first level. Beside, they could even jointly cooperate for new upgrades of the technology.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
External code: