Spanish technology centre offers air pollution dispersion modelling services to quantify and control emissions adapted to both, industries and public entities dealing with traffic-related emissions.
Partnership sought is a commercial agreement with environmental companies and research cooperation agreement for future calls related to smart, green and integrated transport in EU funding programs.
Spanish technology centre, founded in 1994, offers transversal, integrated and innovative solutions to companies to improve their developments, processes, systems and products. It operates in five economic sectors: i) industry, ii) energy and environment, iii) construction and infrastructure, iv) agro-food, v) health and quality of life.
Air pollution dispersion modelling is shown to be necessary to develop suitable analysis to forecast and quantify the environmental impact of air pollution. To achieve this aim, the emissions sources, the dispersion, the receptor, and their temporal and spatial interrelation shall be modelled and analysed in a sufficient representative manner.
The need to address the problem of air pollution through the analysis of the results of the air pollution dispersion models is essential and irreplaceable compared to other systems since the results of the analysis can be available before the implementation of polluting industry.
Spanish technology centre has broad experience in optimising the implementation of air pollution modelling adapted to both, industries and public entities dealing with traffic-related issues. The service offered includes the study of the dispersion of pollutants by applying the dispersion models ADMS 3.3 (atmospheric dispersion modelling system) (for fixed spotlights) and ADMS road or carloads (for mobile spotlights), in addition to using other types of tools such as: SURFER 8.0 or Arc. GIS 9.0.
The technology centre offers its air pollution dispersion modelling services and know-how to any kind of company interested in:
- Reduce the emissions from its industrial activity whilst increasing the competitiveness of the company.
- Develop of a sustainability strategy to reduce the carbon footprint.
- Control, quantify and forecast the environmental impacts of its processes in a strategic, automated and systematic way.
- Improve their production control and their business decision making processes.
- Communicate the results obtained and improve the image of the company.
- Develop a “green corporate image”.
Partners sought are public authorities or companies, (mainly on the environmental sector, but open to others), interested on environmental pollutant controlling methods, under commercial agreement with technical assistance. The technology centre is also opened to research cooperation agreement with entities (companies, universities or research and technology centres) interested in developing a project related to smart, green and integrated transport for future calls in EU funding programs.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Commercial agreement with technical assistance: the centre is seeking SMEs on any kind of topics interested in the investment on pollution emission detection models and also public authorities dealing with traffic-related emission issues (City Council, traffic management authorities) who wants to improve the effectiveness to detect air pollution.
Research cooperation agreement: the centre sought SMEs, universities and/or research and development institutes interested in developing internationals research projects related to the environmental sector to further co-develop the model and its applications in smart, green and integrated transport projects.
Stage of Development:
Available for demonstration
IPR Status:
External code: