Bee colony monitoring system based on predicting bee conditions through acoustic monitoring of bees offered via commercial agency agreement

CommercialČeská republikaBOCZ20210525001
A Czech SME focused on software development and its commercialization has developed a bee colony monitoring system based on predicting bee conditions via acoustic monitoring of bees. The product is currently available in Czech, English and German versions. The company is looking for entities with good links with bee keepers and bee keeper associations for closing commercial agency agreement.
The Czech SME active in software and app development, cloud solutions and ICT integration has developed a monitoring system based on predicting bee conditions through acoustic monitoring of bees. The development of the system was initiated by the sole owner of the SME who has many years of experience in beekeeping. Efficient beekeeping requires monitoring the state of the bee colonies throughout the year and having control over the bee colonies at all times. Current systems based on monitoring the weight of the hive are able to identify changes in the hive, but not the reasons behind them. This system makes it possible to monitor and precisely determine the main problems bee colonies are experiencing using the sounds that are characteristic for individual states. Early prediction provides beekeepers with time and opportunity to respond immediately. Using wireless communications technology, current bee colony conditions can be monitored from a PC, tablet or a smart phone. The software is currently available in Czech, English and German versions. The main components of the acoustic bee colony monitoring system are: - A probe with a microphone and temperature sensor located in each hive; It is energy independent, equipped with a solar panel and antenna for wireless transmission of measured values to the centre; - A centre, with a memory for storing data received from the probes and a GSM module for sending batches of data to the company´s internet server; - An internet server, with sufficient capacity to store data sent to the centres from individual bee colonies and to run the software of the needed application; - A software application analysing data and determining the condition of the bee colonies, and a mobile app for graphically presenting the evaluated results; in the event of abnormal findings, the system automatically generates a warning email or text message. Commercial agency agreement with organizations or entities closely cooperating and communicating with bee keepers and their associations is perceived by the SME as the best way of delivering the system to commercial and smaller bee keepers.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
- Commercial agents with a close connection to commercial and smaller bee keepers and their associations are sought to ensure wide visibility and availability of the product within apiculture community in a particular country. - Commercial agents collaborating with national publishers of bee keeper magazines through which the monitoring system might be promoted towards bee keepers.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how
External code: 