Belarusian University offers a technology for analyzing and predicting the level of electromagnetic environmental pollution by 2G/3G/4G/5G mobile communication systems under a commercial agreement with technical assistance

Belarusian University has developed and verified a technology for analyzing and predicting the level of electromagnetic pollution of the environment by 2G/3G/4G/5G mobile communication systems. They are interested in technology transfer under a commercial agreement with technological support. Potential partners can be mobile operators, companies that develop software and specialized expert systems, local authorities, research centers.
Belarusian University is engaged in research and development in electromagnetic compatibility, protection, ecology and safety. The proposed technology solves the problem of system analysis and prediction of the level of electromagnetic background created by modern and future systems of mobile communications near the Earth's surface at the human height in areas with different population density (urban, suburban, rural area). This makes it possible to assess electromagnetic ecology of the environment and electromagnetic safety of the population in the context of intensive development of 4G/5G networks and services. The technology, unlike its analogues, does not require calculations of the levels of electromagnetic fields created at the observation point near the Earth's surface by the entire set of mobile communication’s base and mobile subscriber’s stations at its radio visibility vicinity, which are usually impossible due to the excessive number of stations and the lack of information about their radiation characteristics. The technology is based on the analysis of the available integral system characteristics of the radio-information component of the technosphere: - the average electromagnetic loading on area created by the radiations of base and subscriber stations in the allocated frequency bands, - the average area traffic capacity of the wireless information services for the population and the average dimension of service areas of base stations at each hierarchical level of the 2G/3G/4G/5G network infrastructure. These integrated system characteristics of radio networks can be determined indirectly on the basis of estimates of the terrestrial density and technical characteristics of base and subscriber’s stations; specific traffic intensity, number and volumes of mobile communication services. The technology can be implemented by creating a specialized system for analyzing the electromagnetic ecology of urban and suburban areas and electromagnetic safety of population under the intensive development of 4G/5G wireless systems and information services. Belarusian University offers: 1. Methodology and algorithms for system analysis of electromagnetic ecology of areas and electromagnetic safety of the population based on the analysis of integrated system characteristics of mobile communication networks and services to ensure high standards of electromagnetic ecology of the environment and electromagnetic safety of the population. 2. Development of the specialized expert system for collecting and processing information and computer analysis of electromagnetic pollution of territories in 30 MHz – 300 GHz frequency band, with the development of versions in the languages of customers, including software, installation of stationary and mobile tools for monitoring of electromagnetic pollution of the environment. The system can be integrated with regional and national information systems containing information about the characteristics of the registered sources of electromagnetic radiation of various radio services; with municipal (regional) stationary radio monitoring networks and mobile hardware and software complexes for monitoring, mapping and expert assessment of the electromagnetic background. Belarusian University is interested in technology transfer under the commercial agreement with technical assistance to partners: operators of mobile communications, enterprises engaged in the development of software and specialized expert systems, local authorities, research centers.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The Belarusian University is interested in technology transfer within the commercial agreement with technological support. Potential consumers of the technology are 1 Operators of mobile communications which are interested in creation and operation of safe and environmentally friendly cellular radio networks, in safe wireless information service for the population. 2 Research centers and enterprises that develop and deliver the software and specialized expert systems for collecting and processing information and computer analysis of electromagnetic pollution of the environment and electromagnetic safety of population in the context of intensive development of 4G/5G mobile communication systems and services. 3. Local authorities, research centers monitoring the environment, assessing the electromagnetic ecology of territories and electromagnetic safety of the population.
Stage of Development: 
Field tested/evaluated
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The technology of system analysis and prediction of electromagnetic background has been successfully tested by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities of the Republic of Belarus in assessing the risk to public health from exposure to electromagnetic fields created by GSM cellular communication systems at socially significant facilities (schools, boarding establishments, medical and health institutions, etc.) and in the surrounding area. The technology has been successfully verified using numerous published results of measurements of electromagnetic background levels in dozens of countries on five continents, as well as detailed computer simulation of digital mobile communication systems in modern urban housing, and has been successfully tested in the analysis of the electromagnetic background intensity created by 2G/3G/4G networks in various conditions (at socially significant objects, in places with different population density).
IPR Status: 
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