A Basque SME is looking for partners with knowledge and experience in the design and manufacturing of cold end gas condensers for energy plants. The company requires specifications in order to develop the final formulation of an advanced carbon steel tubes coating to be applied in fume heat recovery installations. A commercial agreement with technical assistance, manufacturing agreement or a technical cooperation to carry out a pre-industrial demonstration is what the SME is looking for.
A Basque small company that designs and produces tailor-made ceramic & cermet formulations wants to produce a new specific product for combustion fumes heat recovery and condensation technologies. Therefore, it is looking for partners with track background in the designing and putting into operation of cold end gas condensers for energy plants.
Since internal ceramic coating in tubes is key to protect them against corrosion, the Basque SME now requires manufacturing and operation specifications in order to develop the final formulation of an advanced carbon steel tubes coating to be applied in fume heat recovery installations.
After technical studies carried out in the laboratory, the Basque company thinks that they will be able to launch a product with the following major advantages if the right partner is found:
• A cheaper old end flue gas condenser: using coated carbon steel will allow the building of industrial scale well over 20MWh of recovered heat with a short return of Investment periods.
• Recovery of the sensible & latent heat (by condensation) of the fumes, increasing the thermal efficiency of the plant in around 10%.
• Fumes are extremely clean and harmless to the environment because acid rain is produced in the plant
• This acid “New Water” can be easily neutralized with soda and employed in other industrial applications with no need (or reduction) of the use of water from the grid or nature.
Just to give an idea of the water recovery potential, the company estimates that in a Power Plant generating 50MW of electricity, the recovered “acid rain water” can be around 12 – 20 Tmh-1 due to the right application of the internal coating in the tubes.
The company is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance, manufacturing agreements and technical cooperation agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The partner sought has to be a company that has experience and knowledge in the design, manufacturing and operation of condensers. Thus, the partner would be able to set up a collaboration with the Basque SME (Research coopertion or technical cooperation agreement) in order to provide this knowledge and then define and carry out a validation procedure a competitive coating formulation so that this application can be developed. The partner´s role would be the same for both type of agreements.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The company lacks experience and knowledge in the design, manufacturing and operation of condensers so they would like to set up a collaboration agreement with a partnerwith whom carry out a validation procedure so they can develop a competitive coating formulation for this applications. Some issues that need to be addressed are:
• If in a condenser all the heat in the form of hot water (around 100 ºC - 212ºF) can be used in other heating needs at the plant (biomass dryers, etc.) or used for District Heating & Cooling.
• If part of the fumes (basically N2 + CO2 + some water) can be used to warm and feed greenhouses
• If these clean & dry exhaust fumes are easier to capture its CO2 than existing alternatives
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
A partner has already started supplying ceramic coated tubes both internally and externaly up to 12 m long suitable for the condensers. Simulations done with commercial industry show promising results on ceramic coated ID tubes.
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: